Month: September 2014

  • 30 Days of Marijuana – Update #3

    “They lie about marijuana. Tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated. Lie! When you’re high, you can do everything you normally do just as well – you just realize it’s not worth the fucking effort. There is a difference.” – Bill Hicks It’s tough being an Asian pot smoker. Add some THC to already slanted eyes and they…

  • 30 Days of Marijuana – Update #2

    After two weeks of smoking pot every day, “brah”, “dude” and “man” have crept to the front of my vocabulary list such that they pleasantly pepper almost every sentence I speak brah. I’ve stopped shaving and have only been showering once a week, maximum, and when I do, I don’t like using shampoo or soap. Unnatural chemicals dude man brah…

  • 30 Days of Marijuana – Update #1

    This is the first update to this post, in which I decided, as a non-pot-smoker, to smoke every day for 30 days (weekends potentially excluded) to see what happens. As is usually the case with these types of experiments, there isn’t much to update yet. I smoked every day last week Monday-Friday and didn’t really enjoy…

  • 30 Days of Marijuana

    It feels stupid to call it “marijuana”. No one calls it that. “Hey dooood, you wanna smoke some marijuannnaa?”  Although “marijuana” sounds legit with a Hispanic accent. “Yo essay, ju wana smok sum mah-ree-wanna?” Anyway. As mentioned in yesterday’s newsletter, today starts 30 days of smoking pot every day. Whether you’ve ever been interested in smoking pot but…

  • Painting a Life

    Everyone starts with a blank slate. One person may have the richest, highest-quality canvas with the best paints while another has just a piece of scrap paper with some old watercolors. But with the right skills, the scrap paper and watercolors can come to life and inspire awe while the rich canvas with the expensive oil paints…