A Few Pictures

These are a few pictures from the last few weeks.

This is one of the most stunning sunsets I’ve seen. There was a thick layer of clouds, and the undersides were lit a bright, glowing pink. Unfortunately, as I was on my way home from work, all I had was my phone camera, which doesn’t do it justice.

Stunning sunset.
Stunning sunset.

I was on a hike, water was dripping down a rock face, and this plant was at the base.

Frozen Leaves

On a hike after a snowstorm, Buddy leading the way.

Buddy leading the way

This was at the summit on that hike.

Sunset through a Tree

At the base, the sun almost completely gone, it lit up some clouds in a column, which I’ve never seen.

Column of Light

Buddy and Rigs on a later hike, regal as ever.

Regal Brothers

Icy bubbles near a brook. I love the reflections in the ice bubbles.

Ice Bubbles

More, smaller ice bubbles.

Small Ice BubblesMy brother and dogs at the summit.

Maki and DogsAlthough it’s usually bitter cold this time of year, there are some aesthetic benefits.






