I’ll never forget the last chapter of an astronomy textbook I had to read for a college class. I don’t remember the specifics, but the point was, “It’s not a matter of if intelligent life exists in our universe. It’s a matter of when.”
Think of it this way. We are one planet that orbits one star, the sun. The sun is one of hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way. The Milky Way is one of hundreds of billions of galaxies in the universe. Take a moment to think about what that means.

Of course not all stars are the same as the sun, and not all stars that are the same as or similar to the sun have planets with Earth-like characteristics, which is all we know for sure can produce intelligent life. There may be other types of life systems that are vastly different from Earth, but we really have no way of knowing that. Yet.
The point is, there are many, many planets out there in the universe that are very Earth-like. In my opinion, that means there are many planets out there with intelligent life. It’s almost a statistical certainty.
If you disagree (and even if you don’t), watch this video:
Of course, most if not all of them are very, very far away from us. Millions or billions of light years away. Since I mentioned it, think of how ridiculous a light year is. Light travels at 186,000 miles…per second. A light year is the distance it takes light to travel…in a year.
That means the light reaching us from some of those distant stars and planets is millions or billions of years old. Even if we used some kind of high-powered telescope to intercept light from a distant planet, and we saw that there were a vast, intelligent civilization, the light would be so old that the civilization could have gone extinct long ago. That planet and its star might not even exist anymore.
It’s all very crazy to think about.
If a planet one billion light years away has intelligent life as I type this sentence, we wouldn’t know it for a billion years (excepting the possibility of wormholes and other such things). So, as the textbook said, it’s not a matter of if intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe. It’s a matter of when.
That said, I do believe that aliens have visited Earth, and currently visit Earth.
There are just too many sightings. Most of the video footage I’ve seen is suspect; however, there are multiple accounts of very respectable, “normal”, sane people who swear they have seen UFOs, including many military pilots who said they saw unidentified aircraft hovering near, or following their own aircraft. These unidentified aircraft appeared to defy the laws of physics, appearing in one place, disappearing, appearing in another, and being far too agile and fast to operate with the kind of technology we have.

You may disagree with me, and that’s fine. I don’t know for sure that aliens visit us. I just think they do, based on what I’ve read. The good news is, even if I’m right, they are most likely benevolent creatures.
Think about it – for them to have advanced to such a point that they are capable of trans-universal travel, which is far beyond what we have achieved thus far technologically, they would have had to exist amongst themselves very peacefully in order not to have destroyed their own planet, and they would have had to live very harmoniously to develop the technology they did. Humans are capable, with the nuclear technology we have, of destroying our entire planet and extinguishing life as we know it. These aliens are capable of much more damage, yet they exist, which means they are likely not looking to destroy themselves or us. I think they’re just curious, watching us just like we go to the zoo and watch less intelligent animals than ourselves.
I hope in my lifetime we have legitimate contact with alien races so that we can learn from them, and they can learn from us. Imagine the excitement of such an encounter.
Lastly, another theory I’ve read is that the alien sightings on Earth are sightings of trans-dimensional beings. We know so little about the universe, and our minds are so limited by our physical bodies and brains, that we are unable to escape the perspective of time and space. It’s likely that there are multiple dimensions overlaying each other in some way, but we can’t “see” the other dimensions, nor would we necessarily be able to comprehend them if we were able to “see” them.
It could be that other intelligent life that exists in a way far different from the way in which we exist has found the key, or a key, to travel to different dimensions. Traveling to different dimensions is actually possible for us lowly humans via astral projection and other types of out of body experiences, where our consciousness separates from our physical bodies.
The easiest way to think of it is when you hear people speak of their near death experiences, where during surgery, or whatever traumatic event, their consciousness literally rises out of their physical bodies, but remains on the physical plane, so they are able to watch their surgery, or travel to different rooms and overhear conversations, and recount them after their recovery, when there was absolutely no way they could have known that information if they had only been a physical body since the body was essentially dead. When your consciousness is in that state, it is able to travel instantaneously to different realms and dimensions that aren’t necessarily able to be described in words. When we astral project, and some would argue we all do it every night without remembering it, our consciousness is not limited by the physical body it inhabits during the day. It can travel wherever and however it wants. Very exciting.
There are ways you can meditate deeply, to a trance state, and remove your consciousness from your physical body and travel to different astral planes of existence while being fully lucid. I’ve only just begun researching this practice in the last few months, but I find it fascinating, and I can’t think of anything more important in this life than to study the nature of consciousness. Apparently, once you experience it, you no longer fear death since you have literally experienced what it will be like when your physical body dies. Think of the amount of stress that lifts from your day-to-day existence, as well as the amount of sadness it removes from your life when you lose a loved one. There will be much more on astral projection in future posts.
To summarize, aliens exist, I believe they travel here, and I’m not sure if they’re from other parts of our physical universe, or from different dimensions. I’m learning how to travel to different dimensions myself. Yes, I’m crazy, but I’m right. 😉
6 responses to “Aliens”
[…] As we look upon the pond, upon the fish, and understand the wider reality and that they’re just fish in a pond in our world, so too do more advanced beings look upon our world, upon us, and marvel at how limited our awareness is. I think it’s very likely we are regularly visited by aliens. […]
Okay two questions.
1. How do you know that when you have an astral projection that you are not just dreaming? Is an astral projection different to a dream in that you are in total control of what happens in this realm?
2. Can you get stuck in an out of body experience? Can you get so deep into the unknown that you cannot return?
PS I am very knew to this idea.
Before I answer, I should make it clear that I’ve only had a couple experiences I’d call astral projections, so I’m not an “expert” or anything, although I have read a lot about it. That said…
1. When you have an astral projection, your environment tends to be very stable. Things don’t swirl around like in a dream, things tend to make sense. And most importantly, people seem to be separate personalities from yourself. So if you’re lucid dreaming, when you ask a character in your dream a question, he will tend to look at you without reacting, or will give you an answer that feels like it came from your mind. When you’re astral projecting, the answers people give you will surprise you. It will feel exactly as if they’re completely separate entities from yourself, like your day-to-day life in this physical reality. Further, sometimes while astral projecting, you’ll find yourself in what they call the Real Time Zone (RTZ). Some of the most famous projectors have been able to travel around the RTZ and verify facts about this world that they never could have known otherwise. These are typically thought of as out of body experiences. In summary, when you’re astral projecting, you will just really “feel” that you’re in a real, separate reality from our physical reality.
2. No, you cannot get stuck out of body. You always have a connection to your physical body unless it has died, so no need to worry about that.
Good questions! If you are interested in the subject, check out the astral projection forums at http://www.astralpulse.com/forums/
Welcome to dingtwist!
[…] touched on the subject before in these posts: Aliens Your Life Is an Unbelievable Coincidence People and the […]
I would like to know who you are since im experiencing the same mind blowing facts about what this world is REALLY ABOUT ^~^ can you contact me ?or answer here, we can talk here xD
Hi Ana, I’m Chaki. I’m surprised you found this post. I forgot I wrote it 🙂 What would you like to talk about, aliens?