There’s something beautiful about creating an idea, organizing your thoughts, and expressing that idea in print. It’s a direct connection from the reader to your mind. It’s like sex. If you’re the only one who reads your work, then writing is like masturbation; still a jolly good time. But I’ll stick with sex.
Writing has always been a passion of mine, but I haven’t done it in years because I haven’t had to. Who would have thought, as I trudged through various writing assignments during my school years, that I actually enjoyed the process?
That’s my simple, primary goal in starting this website: to write again. What excites me about this endeavor is that I’m not restricted by any specific, graded assignment. I can write about anything I choose, in any way I choose. If you follow the site for a while, you’ll notice that I won’t be sticking to any single topic. I’ll be writing for my own pleasure about whatever inspires me in the moment.
Thanks for visiting and reading my first post ever. I hope it was as good for you as it was for me.

2 responses to “First Post”
[…] in November 2012, just under a year ago. I remember writing the first post (which you can read here), hitting “Publish”, then looking at with a sort of awe. “Wow that’s cool. I just wrote […]
[…] has been around two years since I started this site. So I opened my computer to check the date of the first post of this site and the date is 11-7-12. Tomorrow it will have been exactly two […]