We think too much sometimes. Lying in bed awake, thoughts racing. Thoughts of the past and the future, stresses and worries.
We tell ourselves to stop thinking so much and just go to sleep. It works for a second, but before we know it, our minds are racing again thinking of all the things there are to think about.
When we’re happy and content, notice that we don’t experience these racing thoughts. We’re firmly rooted in the present moment, simply enjoying whatever it is we’re experiencing. Some examples: a good conversation, laughing, sports, passions, a good movie.
Sex with a hottie.
These are some of the most enjoyable things in life, and they enable us to be fully ensconced in the present moment, which means stress disappears.
The good news is that, with practice, we can achieve this state of being wherever we are and whatever we’re doing. We can reduce stress or eliminate it in three steps:
1. Recognize
Recognize that you’re stressed. If you don’t then you won’t even think to take the necessary steps to to fix it and you’ll just keep doing what you’re doing. Whether you’re at work, at a party, in bed, driving, or wherever, just recognize that you’re stressed about something. Step back from your mind and observe yourself and your thoughts.
It’s easy to go about the day completely stressed and not even realize it because it has become the norm.
Once you realize you’re stressed, you can fix it…
2. Breathe
Take at least one deep breath, preferably three or ten if the situation allows. Breathe in deeply through your nose, feel your body fill with air and tension, hold it for a second, then exhale completely through your mouth. As you exhale, feel every single part of your body relax. The tension disappears. It’s best if you close your eyes while doing this breathing exercise, but obviously various activities won’t allow for it. And if you do this during a conversation with someone, he will immediately know you’ve lost your marbles. It’s ok – marbles suck.

For even more effectiveness, while you breathe, imagine you’re inhaling calming energy from the atmosphere, from your environment, and filling your head with this energy. As you exhale, that calming energy flows through your entire body and relaxes every muscle completely.
I realize this practice may sound a bit trite, perhaps stupid. However, it actually works. Try it now and feel yourself relax.
Then, once you’re breathing, either during or afterwards…
3. Surrender
Surrender to the present moment. Say it in your head or aloud: “I surrender to the present moment.” Unless you’re presently being mauled by a lion or being beaten in the face with a crowbar, the present moment is not the cause of your stress. The cause is either the past or the future. Regret over past decisions or happenings. Worry of future outcomes.
The present is your friend. It does not cause stress. It only brings joy and calmness.
Surrender to the present moment and notice everything about it. How it feels, where you are, your surroundings, all of the sensations. Then feel gratitude for it all. By surrendering thus, you ignore the past and the future. You ignore the sources of any stress you were experiencing. Say it: “I surrender to the present moment.”
When you state an intention, it has a funny way of coming true. By saying, “I surrender to the present moment,” you will be able to do so more effectively.

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4. Remember
Remember, you are an eternal consciousness who willingly incarnated here on Earth as you are in order to gain experience and expand your consciousness. The physical reality in which you are focused only seems so important and so real because that’s what you agreed to before entering.
The best way to gain the experience you desired and to expand your consciousness in the way you wanted was to fully immerse yourself here, blind to the wider reality of existence.
This physical reality is in many ways no more real or valid than the dreams you had last night, whether or not you remember them. Things only seem so serious, and often so dire, because this is where you’re focused. Remember this fact both when things are bad and also when they’re good. Enjoy the experiences. Enjoy this life. It’s just a small blip on your eternal radar and it won’t last much longer. When it’s over and your physical body perishes, you’ll return home to review all you learned.
Stress is so stupid and pointless and it provides us with literally zero benefits. All it does is hinder our happiness and blind us to the beauty all around us.
Recognize, breathe, surrender, remember.
Next, read about the effects of stress and why it’s important to avoid being stressed.
One response to “3 Quick Steps to Reduce Stress”
[…] Take at least one deep breath, preferably three or ten if the situation allows. Breathe in deeply th… […]