Usually we’re unable to connect the dots of our lives until certain events have been over for a while, especially bad events. But I’m sure there are instances in your life that were unpleasant or downright terrible at the time, but in retrospect, you can see that some of the things you love most about your life now would not have come about if the bad stuff hadn’t happened before.
Keep an open mind for a minute. Start by considering the fact that we would be unaware of the existence of color were it not for our eyes. This means there could be, and likely are, entire other aspects of reality which we are simply unequipped to perceive.
What if every one of us had angels and/or spirit guides with us all the time who loved us deeply, cared about us, and did their best to help us? If what I’ve said many times here is true, that we are in essence eternal consciousnesses who willingly incarnate here in order to expand our consciousnesses and experience, then it’s likely that we do have spiritual guidance of some form.
What if these guides of ours are responsible not for directly causing certain events in our lives, but for influencing them (imperceptibly to us), making them more probable? What if these events are the result of people following their intuition, or their feelings, instead of using their mind-based logic? And what if when we go against our intuition, we are frustrating our guides, who are working hard to communicate with us via our intuition in order to lead us down the path we intended to experience when we decided to incarnate here?
The point of wondering if we have guides and wondering if things happen for reasons we can’t yet understand is a principle I’ve read about in numerous spiritual texts. It’s a principle by which I try to live, and which has helped me a lot: resist nothing.
This simple idea has removed a lot of stress from my life and made me happier in general. When things aren’t going how I want them to, or if I’m frustrated with something, I just remember to stop resisting, to go with the flow.
We don’t know how things will turn out. This is an exciting fact of life, although it can be frustrating or even scary if we view it as such. Various circumstances in our lives at the moment are necessary for future events to occur, for future experiences, for future (and present) expansions of consciousness. If we can learn not to resist our circumstances, life becomes easier.
That doesn’t mean to sit around and do nothing. By all means we should do all we can to improve our circumstances, but our responsibility ends there. We are not required to worry about things or to resist anything that happens. All we can do is keep plugging and let the chips fall where they may. If we can only do this, everything will turn out how it should.
When we go through life using only our minds, we are blind to the wider reality of existence, which is much more expansive than our limited minds can understand. But even as eternal consciousnesses encased in flesh, we do have access to that wider reality. One way in which we have access is in the form of intuition, gut feelings, or whatever term you prefer.
I think I’ve referenced this here before, but the circumstances that led to meeting my girlfriend were strange in that neither of us was supposed to have been where we met, but for some reason or other, we both felt the urge to be at that place. As a result, we’ve had a great 3+ years together and grown a lot and learned a lot from each other.
Another example (start thinking of examples in your own life): A good friend of mine went to a meditation retreat in India a few years back, largely on a whim. It felt like something she had to do. It was there, on the other side of the world, that she met her now husband, who has become a close friend of mine, someone I really connect with. If it weren’t for her following her gut feeling of traveling to an Indian meditation retreat (somewhat of a strange pursuit for most people), I’d be out a close friend, she’d be out a husband, and we would all be out many great life experiences we’ve all shared together over the past couple of years. And the fact that he lives many hours away in America’s hat, Canada ;), means the odds of them ever having met are slim to none.
If she had, instead of following her gut, used her logical mind and said, “This is a stupid idea, I really can’t afford to spend the time or money on this,” which is the reaction some of her friends and family probably had to her decision, I imagine her spirit guides would have said to each other, “Fuck. So how are we going to do this now? Why won’t she listen to us?”
Another friend of mine from my childhood recently looked me up, found this website, and sent me an email. After we caught up a bit, she told me about this site because she thought I might like it. I signed up for their email list and a few days back read an email from them which was about an online webinar with Lorna Byrne, who apparently has been able to see, converse with, and interact with angels ever since she was born. She says every living person has at least one spirit guide, and in many cases several guides and angels with him 24/7. These angels and guides appear sometimes in human form, sometimes in angel form (humanoid with wings), or sometimes as shining lights. I know, it seems crazy, but again, try to keep an open mind.
I didn’t sign up for the webinar, but I did buy Lorna’s book, which I started reading a couple nights ago. It’s unlike anything I’ve read before, and my intuition tells me that the ideas in the book may play a role in leading me down an interesting path in the future, that it will influence my life positively.
What was it, exactly, that caused my friend to find and email me after not having seen me since ~1998? Could small events like that be influenced by our guides, who work with each other to help us? Of course, at the moment, there’s no way to know, but it’s fun to muse over it.
The same possibility of our guides’ influence over us can be seen with anything in life. With Rigs’ recent death and Buddy’s poor health, I’ve been thinking a lot about what the pets I’ve had over the past (almost) 31 years have meant to me, and the purposes they’ve served. Even thinking back to my first dog, a beautiful German Shepherd named Nikka, I can now see how perfectly she fit into our lives.
Although we lived in a beautiful neighborhood in South Florida, it was still in South Florida, which means there was a lot of crime, lots of robbery. More so than up here in Connecticut, generally speaking. Nikka was a loving dog with us, but very protective of us with others. She made us feel safe, and without going into too much detail, actually made us safe.
When we moved to Connecticut in 1998, she died within a few days of our arrival. Similarly to how Rigs was here in large part to help me through a stressful period in my life by making me laugh and smile many times throughout each day, it’s perfectly fitting to think Nikka was with us for protection and comfort. When Rigs realized, on a deep, inner level, that he was no longer needed for his main purpose, he decided his job was over and it was ok for him to leave. When Nikka realized she was no longer needed for her protection and comfort, she decided to leave us.
At the time in my life when Nikka died, although I was never raised to be religious (I’ve been to church twice outside of weddings, once when I spent a weekend with a friend’s family, the other when I spent a weekend with my aunt, and it was boring as sin both times), I used to pray to God each night for things I wanted in life. The night after my girl died, as I lay in bed crying, I remember saying, “Fuck you God.” I was angry that she died, I couldn’t see any reason for it, and I was more hurt than I could ever remember being. I stopped praying after that.
Only now, 17 years later, can I see a reason for it all, and the same may be the case for many things going on in my life right now. The same may be the case for many things going on in your life right now.
When we think of life in such a way, that everything actually means something whether or not we can determine the meaning at all, even years later, we can stand back in awe of all that life is. We can realize and believe that what we see with our eyes, what we experience with our limited minds is really just a fraction of what’s really going on. When we have this realization, suddenly life becomes richer. More importantly, it becomes much easier to drop our resistance and go with the flow, and to have faith that what’s happening right now, no matter how bad it seems, is supposed to be happening. It’s what we intended to experience, where “we” means our higher, eternal, true selves, not we as relatively blind humans.
In the end, there’s no way to prove that there are angels or guides, or that anything at all has meaning. As with everything in life, we have the freedom and responsibility to choose our beliefs. Some people require scientific proof before they’ll believe something. The problem with that stipulation is that science is confined to the physical world, so it can’t even venture into the realities of guides and angels, who are beyond the physical if they in fact exist. So by requiring scientific proof in order to believe something, you are necessarily confining yourself to the physical world, which may be just a tiny sliver of reality as a whole, a dense, base sliver, beautiful as it is.
And it’s likely that if we do confine ourselves to the physical world, and if we do have guides, then we are frustrating the hell out of them, shunning their tireless efforts, blind to their love, plodding on all by ourselves when all the help we need is there and has been there since before we were even conceived.
Instead of resisting what is, maybe it’s better to accept what is, of course while doing our best to improve the situation, and to realize it may be in our best interest in a way we can’t yet, or may never be able to understand.