Sunday Newsletter Page #40

Welcome to the Sunday Newsletter Page, which contains the best photos and videos I came across on the internet last week.

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(Most pics from



Not sure why this makes me giggle like a Japanese schoolgirl, but…unnecessary explosions:

Photos of the Week

cheeky mike

favorite lure





vending machine worker

volcanic lightning

sahara toilet

baby squirrel hug

husky rigs

mean rug

ninja chipmunk


Videos of the Week


Badass mongoose doesn’t give a f%#k:

badass mongoose


Girl tries to keep her shoes dry, and succeeds, but…:
wet shoes


Dog absolutely LOVES the ocean, and knows how to get there:dog LOVES LOVES LOVES the ocean


Russian road rager gets beat up by guys in cartoon character costumes. Ridiculous:


Best pediatrician in the world. How to give a baby a shot:


If guys got their periods:


Baby deer wants his belly rubbed and screams if the guy tries to put him down:




That’s all, folks.

Recommended Products

Below are a few products that have made my life immeasurably better. I believe they will do the same for you. Check ‘em out.

The Secret of Deliberate Creation – create the life you desire.
Lucid Dreaming Fast Track – learn how to awaken within your dreams and control them.
Omharmonics – enjoy the benefits of meditation immediately and easily. (Free trial track.)
EasyCig – if you smoke or love someone who smokes, check out

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