One purpose of this website is to introduce you to ideas that will enable you to be happier, freer, wiser, and all things good. To remind you of who and what you really are, which is an expansive eternal consciousness temporarily immersed in physical reality, in that physical meat sack you’re using to read these words, willingly blinded to the wider reality from which you incarnated in order to maximize your learning and expansion.
Another purpose, related to the main one, is to discuss Truth in this Age of Deception. And boy, have we been deceived!
The main purpose of the site is to fulfill my Soul Purpose, which is to play a part, however small, in the massive shift that’s happening in our physical reality. To awaken myself and to raise my consciousness within this human life, and to help others do the same, which in reality is the same activity.
When I’m not fulfilling my purpose, I am blocked in all other areas of life. So I feel compelled to write here.
On that note, you can stay in the loop by entering your email below, and everything I’ve written on the site is in the Blog Archives.