If you have felt for a while that things on Earth are just kind of off, or maybe even that everything is backwards and humanity is screwed, then this is for you.
Everyone alive in 2024 has lived his entire life in the Age of Deception. Almost everything we were taught about life and the world is false, and the falsehoods were intended to enslave our minds. But once you learn the truth about this age we’ve been living in, then quickly everything can come together and make perfect sense and life can be more beautiful and wonderful than you ever imagined.
However, it’s going to take some serious open-mindedness on your part even to allow yourself to consider the ideas below.
In this realm we call Earth, one of the most profound truths I’ve learned in my 40 years is an ancient Hermetic principle: as within, so without.
What seems to be external to your mind (e.g. the physical place you are, the people in it, the situations that arise in your life) is actually a projection of your mind. Your mind is creating your experience of reality moment to moment. Two people can be in the exact same place and situation, with the same people around them, and one will be having a wonderful experience and the other a miserable one. They can physically perceive the same somewhat “objective” situation completely differently. The only difference is what’s in their minds. That’s how this entire realm works. It is the most empowering secret of life you can possibly discover when you recognize it and then use it to your advantage.
The deeper secret to the inexorable principle of “as within, so without” is that with practice, we can have complete, absolute power to choose what is in our mind, which is to say we can choose how to perceive, judge, and conceive of these seemingly external phenomena. And if you go deep enough into this line of thought, then you will discover that the seemingly external world, which even includes other people and their behavior towards you, will morph to match your internal state since all of it projects from within you. So few people know this, and most people resist the idea with all their might, never even giving themselves a chance of discovering their true human potential. And if someone sees the world as a horrible place, or has horrible experiences with horrible people with horrible behavior, it’s nearly impossible to get him to accept any kind of responsibility for it. It’s much easier to blame the world, life itself, or even God for such miserable experiences. I spent most of my life in this kind of powerless victim mentality, and it sucks.
As you unscrew your errored mind and undo all of the lies you have been inundated with your entire life, behold as reality itself opens up before you like a big, beautiful flower, which has just been waiting patiently for you to gaze upon it. This act of gazing alone gives the flower of life the power to blossom. As you fix what is within, what is without is also necessarily fixed.
With all of that in mind, I’m going to discuss some ideas that run exactly counter to what society at large believes, because the ideas are the opposite of what we were all taught from before we could remember. These ideas we were taught are false and they were intended to enslave our minds, and therefore to enslave our entire lives. Once you start to believe the truths below, and put in the required work to turn those beliefs into knowledge, then you can be truly free in a way you probably never even imagined was possible.
Life and the world itself will make a lot of sense and everything becomes simpler, more beautiful, and much more fun!
If you’ve had no previous exposure to these ideas then what I discuss below may make you angry. Possibly very angry. The ideas will challenge your entire conception of reality, even your conception of yourself and your place in the world. I mean no offense at all. But if hearing the truth is offensive to you, that’s on you. Your emotions are your responsibility, not mine. Just like my emotions are my responsibility and no one else’s. Just know that your negative emotional response to these ideas was implanted in your mind from before you could remember in order to enslave you. I’m trying to free you, as I have freed myself and really started to unwrap the divine gift that human life can be in every single moment. My life right now is better than it has ever been, and it has directly resulted from these truths I’ve uncovered. I would like to extend some of that light and love to you, dear reader, so you can join me here in Heaven on Earth. The water is perfect, come on in!
However, no one can do this awakening for you. You must do it for yourself and go through the entire process yourself. All I can do, and my only intention here, is to create the smallest fissure in your mind in the hope that you may step back and ask in earnest what might seem to the current version of yourself to be ridiculous questions like, “Is it possible we don’t actually live on a spherical rock blasting through space? That we live on a plane? Is that actually a possibility? Is it actually possible that everything I believed, everything I was taught, is the opposite of the truth?”
Of course it’s possible because anything is possible. My goal here is to push you past possible ever so slightly towards probable, enough to motivate you to look into some of these ideas yourself, adopt new beliefs, and then turn those beliefs into knowledge that ultimately empowers you and improves your life experience. I want to play my small role in the massive awakening of human consciousness that’s occurring right now as I type these words in 2024.
This is an incredible time to be alive, but you must come to terms with the fact that we have actually been living our entire lives in a dark age, an Age of Deception. I believe this Age of Deception had its inception in the late 1800s and went into full force sometime shortly after World War 2, with the critical turning point towards darkness occurring when the chess pieces were forced into positions that resulted in the US entering World War 1, at which point the full rollout of the Age of Deception became all but inevitable. But the exact time period isn’t all that important. I do know that it all came to a head during the so-called “pandemic” a couple years back. What could have been the beginning of human slavery on a scale I shudder to imagine ended up being the straw that broke the camel’s back. It was the turning point that woke up a critical mass of people, a number large enough to make the next Age of Enlightenment inevitable. A lot of people, including yours truly, started really pulling back the veil of darkness, the veil of deception, as a direct result of that utter insanity.
If you somehow still believe the official narrative of covid, then you are in a deep sleep. I’m sorry, but there’s no other way to put it. It doesn’t mean you’re stupid or have less value than I or others who know the truth, it just means, as a matter of fact, that your ability to see truth is currently obscured, maybe even completely blocked, by the veil of deception. If you’re one of these believers and so are undoubtedly already turned off and/or angered by these words, then it’s especially important you read on.
All of this information can be a tough pill to swallow for most people. However, our Souls chose to incarnate here during this Age of Deception in the hope that we would play some small part in turning it around and ushering in a new era, another Age of Enlightenment. We are on the precipice of such an age and I could not be more excited about all of it.
Can you feel it???
I think the best mentality to have when delving into these kinds of topics is to operate from the Soul level, watching your human doing its thing. Watch your human be sad and frustrated and confused, but allow your eternal consciousness, your awareness, who and what you really are, to stay separate from him. Don’t immerse into the sadness and frustration if you don’t want to. If you want to do that for whatever reason, do it consciously and with reservation.
Below is just a peek into thousands of hours of personal research over many years that has led me ever closer to God’s absolute truth as of this writing in June of 2024. I encourage you to delve into any of the rabbit holes that interest you and see where they lead. It’s an individual journey, but everywhere you turn, you’ll find teachers and guides on each of these topics, and they want to help you learn. You’ll also find bad actors trying to lead you astray, so discretion is paramount. As always, continually ask your Soul for guidance, and your ancestors for energetic support. At your human best, you and your eternal, all-knowing Soul become one single, powerful force of consciousness.
Also, all of your ancestors are right there with you, right now as you read this and always, knowing all of your thoughts, and seeing and understanding your entire life in a way you cannot, and supporting you in ways you won’t understand until you rejoin them in the spirit world. They all want you, dear human, to reach out and connect with them with conscious intent so they can better help you. But you have to intend it, and it will likely take continuous, conscious effort on your part for weeks or months before your efforts bear any fruit. They can’t force a connection from the other side because ultimately, you do have free will as a human. But with enough persistence on your part, at some point you will know that what I say is true.
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
The Moon Landing
I think it’s best to start with a very obvious hoax. If you still believe we landed on the moon, then you are deep in the fabricated reality, or the matrix if you will. I’m not judging here even a little bit. We’ve all believed or at least accepted really stupid shit in our lives. But the truth is that you are still deep in the lie if you believe we went to the moon, or even if you believe the moon is a physical place it is possible to go to in the first place. The moon is the magnetic yin to the electric sun’s yang, and together in their cycles they create time itself.
“The moon landing is essentially the adult version of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. What primarily motivates them is fear. But it is not the lie itself that scares people; it is what that lie says about the world around us and how it really functions. For if NASA was able to pull off such an outrageous hoax before the entire world, and then keep that lie in place for four decades, what does that say about the control of the information we receive?” Dave McGowan (1960-2015)
With one official NASA image I can prove to you, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that we did not go to the moon:

Look at the gaps in what looks like cardboard on the top right. Look at the copper colored foil. Look at the lack of any disruption of the supposed moon dust under the thrusters (wherever those are supposed to be). Look at that fake piece of shit! I actually find it a bit offensive that they didn’t try a bit harder to make a more believable fake moon lander. Mostly I’m happy with it though because it’s hilarious.
If, in 2024 or after, you look at that image while reading this and say, “Yeah, so what? That’s the moon lander,” then to be perfectly honest, this article may not be for you. If you believe that low effort piece of shit third grade art project went through “space” and landed on the moon, you may want to just forget about all of this and enjoy the rest of your life doing whatever you enjoy. Maybe you didn’t incarnate for truth seeking or to aid in the awakening and you’re here for a different experience, and that’s perfectly, absolutely fine. Good luck, and have fun!
For the rest of you who are at the very least a little skeptical that that tin foil garbage pile went where they said it did, please continue.
I wasn’t alive during the so-called moon landing, but I have some idea of what a huge deal it was. Every person with a tv or newspaper was glued to the news. It was a huge victory for the United States. We did it! We beat Russia! We were the first to go to the moon!
If you were alive at the time, you remember what a big deal it was. And it was a huge lie right in your face. The perpetrators were laughing at how stupid the masses were to believe this absolute bullshit.
The perpetrators are NASA and the government* in this case. The absolute chutzpah of such a hoax is incredible. How can you still let yourself believe anything they say about anything whatsoever?
*I use the term “government” loosely here since we haven’t had an actual government in a long time. What we think of as our government is in fact a foreign for-profit corporation based in the District of Columbia. More on that in the last section – it’s the most exciting part of all of this.
Believing anything they tell us at this point is like the wife whose husband always gets drunk and beats her, and she just continues to make excuses for him. Sad and tragic.
“…but he didn’t mean it, he’s really sorry, he promised he wouldn’t do it again.”
And he keeps doing it over and over and over.
If someone or something perpetrates a deception of such massive and epic proportion, it’s clear to me that someone or something can never be trusted again on anything for any reason.
Side note: apparently “nasa” means “to deceive” in Hebrew. There is some argument and controversy surrounding this, so I’ll let you make up your mind on it. I’m mostly agnostic on it, but it makes sense that it would be true.

Everything is right in our faces. Including the forked serpent tongue right there in the logo.
This all just means that these authorities are not above perpetrating mind-blowingly outrageous hoaxes, so now we can move on. If you don’t agree we’ve established that, then maybe you’ll want to do some research on your own before continuing, because the truth gets much, much wilder than that.
If you want to dive into the moon landing yourself, as with any of these topics, go to yandex.com and search “moon landing hoax” or something similar. You cannot use google for any of these kinds of searches anymore. The results are curated/censored more than anywhere else. Unless you’re looking for a poutine recipe or the phone number for your local Asian massage parlor, do not use google, it is worse than worthless.
Dinosaurs Are Complete Fiction
If you look at the programming (the truth is right there in the word itself) for young children, that gives you a big clue as to what is really really fake, so they have to program us with it deeply from the very beginning of life. Dinosaurs and space are probably the two biggest ones. If you have young kids, you know that everything is dinosaur this, space that. I am a big fan of monster trucks, however, and have seen them with my own eyes, so I know they’re real.
No tribe, culture, people, whatever, ever discovered a so-called dinosaur bone or skeleton before the 19th century, which is when Darwin’s theory of evolution started catching on. No full skeleton has ever been found. Every skeleton you’ve seen is a plaster casting, an artist’s rendition of what they may have looked like. There are many mechanical engineers on record stating that the proportions and sizes of these fictional beasts are totally impossible. And the first dinosaur skeletons were created after finding some teeth – ha!
Within the last few years they have started telling us, “You know, actually, dinosaurs had feathers. Like chickens.” And we go, “Wow isn’t that amazing? Hmmm. Weird. I always thought of them as leathery, but they were more like birds? Cool. Science is amazing.” Because we’re fucking idiots.
It’s all complete fiction, and honestly I don’t care to go into it more than that. Dinosaurs were invented to help push the evolution hoax.
This is a decent overview if it interests you:
To reiterate: please never use google for any kind of so-called “conspiracy” searches, or for any search of consequence. You can search “dinosaur hoax” in google and then in yandex and compare the results side by side to see what I mean.
I learned dinosaurs were fake well into my awakening journey so it only took a couple points to convince me since I’d already learned of much bigger hoaxes. That’s the nature of this journey. Your mind becomes more and more open, freer and freer as you progress. It becomes easier and easier to doff the lies from your reality, like brushing a mosquito off of your arm.
But why teach children about these creatures that never existed?
Ultimately the intention is to instill fear and a false, limited sense of self as a means of control. They want all of us, from the youngest age possible, to think somewhat along these lines:
“Wow, what an inconceivably old planet we happen to live on. How insignificant my short life is in that context. Tens, hundreds of millions of years ago – what does that mean? I’ve only been alive for like a decade. My whole life is insignificant. I’m just another creature on this rock, and my ancestors were humanoid gorilla type animals. I’m just an animal aren’t I? And meteors coming from space made the dinosaurs go extinct. That could happen again at any minute. We could all just be killed. What a terrifying, random, meaningless world.”
And then these children turn into adults with that fundamental programming corrupting all of their output, and the results that follow are, well, look around you. It’s time to fix that programming and align it with the truth so that the output en masse creates Heaven on Earth for all.
Evolution Is a Hoax
There was the big bang where something was created from nothing 14+ billion years ago (trust them on that inconceivable number of years, you stupid, simple human, it’s SCIENCE!), then galaxies and planets and stars just formed on their own, and on our little insignificant planet, lightning strikes created the first life (you don’t have to understand how that could happen, it’s very complex science you could never understand, IDIOT!), which was single-celled organisms, in the oceans. Then they evolved into multi-celled organisms, crawled onto the land, and that’s what we come from.
How stupid is that, really? I can’t believe I ever believed it it’s so retarded. I just wrongly put my trust in those who taught this stuff. And they put their trust in those who taught them. In a way you can kind of think that it makes sense, kind of…when your mind has been flooded with it as far back as you can remember. But when you really look at it with fresh eyes and a reasonable mind, it’s actually completely and utterly delusional.
Maybe there is adaptation, or micro-evolution, where species change slightly over time to adapt better to their environments. And so you have a bunch of slightly different looking categories that are in the same species, and they can reproduce with each other. Or maybe even all of those slightly different looking animals and plants were all created just as they are. I don’t know, and I don’t care all that much which it is, although I lean towards the latter.
What is a hoax is the idea that species adapt until the point at which they become entirely different species, which is the idea that we humans and every other complex organism on Earth started off as a single-celled organism. That is impossible, and there is no evidence of it happening whatsoever. No actual evidence exists. Yet most people believe in evolution, and look down their noses on the “simpletons” who reject it.
We are not an accident, evolved from fish. We were created, like every other species, and we are very special! Human physiological complexity aside, do you really believe that “evolution” could result in something like this?

Or is there a Creator with an amazing eye for beauty who created every detail of such a stunning creature? Did each of those fine little details in the feathering provide some kind of evolutionary advantage over millions of years so that all members of the species eventually settled on those exact patterns and colors? Or was it a divine artist who conceived of and then created it? The truth should be clear to every human.
Again, if you want to go deeper just go to yandex and search and research “evolution hoax” or something similar. I’m not interested in doing it here. Remember: I can’t do the awakening for you. You have to do it yourself. You have to remove the shackles from your mind all on your own because it is your mind and yours alone.
If you’re thinking, “Man this guy is an idiot. Did he even go to school?” that’s the exact response the controllers want you to have to this kind of information. Your response has been conditioned by people who despise you and want the worst for you, which is for you to be their slaves and to give them your life force whether it’s your attention or the promissory notes you were given for your labor. You have allowed them to fabricate your entire reality. It’s time to free yourself from the bonds they have created in your mind. You are very, very special, but you cannot attain even a shadow of your true potential until you fix your programming and free your mind.
Our Civilization Is Primitive Compared to Previous Ones
Yes, we have computer technology that probably has never existed before, at least in the timeline we’re aware of. But what we are taught, that we modern humans are peak humanity, the end result of X million years of “evolution”, is completely wrong.
You can easily see, for example, that the Ancient Egyptians were more technologically and spiritually advanced than we are by looking at the pyramids and other structures there.
To me the most amazing part of the technology is how the different chambers resonate. The king’s chamber resonates at a special frequency and if you go into the sarcophagus and play that frequency, it resonates, and heals your body of whatever needs healing. There are interviews and stories you can find on the subject if it interests you.
I speculate that the pyramids were also energy generating structures (rather, energy gathering, from the aether, where energy is infinite and free), as were the ancient cathedrals, which the Vatican later co-opted and claimed as their own.
These amazing, beyond beautiful cathedrals, we’re told, were built in the dark ages, when plagues riddled Earth, when people were miserable, stupid peasants.
Does that make sense to you that these structures, which are so intricate and ornate that we can’t reproduce them today with all of our “superior” technology, were made in an era of darkness? Or does it make more sense that they were built in an age of enlightenment when people had the leisure time and alchemical knowledge to bring such creations into physical existence?
Imagine something like this being built today, infused with sacred geometrical patterns perfect down to the millimeter:

The truth is we are simply incapable of it. Peak humanity my eye. This is what we make now:

Up is down, down is up. You can do some research on Tartaria, mud floods, cathedrals, and pyramids if it interests you. Another great rabbit hole is the destruction of all the bells in the world during and after the 2nd World War. What was the actual purpose of those big bells and why was it important for the controllers to have them destroyed? Well, their frequencies/vibrations were extremely beneficial to human bodies, minds, and spirits. We can’t have that now can we? Bells healing people of everything that needs healing with just their sound? And once they’re created properly they can heal people basically forever, and for free? How are we going to make money off of that? Get rid of them, all of them.

There is a lot of conflicting info in those mentioned topics, and in my opinion, lots of controlled opposition trying to lead people astray from the truth, whatever it might actually be. I haven’t gone very deep into them so I can’t speak to the specifics, but the overriding point is that we had vastly superior knowledge of this realm before the late 1800s, and it has been destroyed and/or hidden from us in order to enslave us. Previous civilizations were far more advanced than we are. I believe it is primarily because they were more spiritually connected, in large part because they weren’t extremely mentally propagandized and physically poisoned from birth like we have been. So whatever these prior societies and civilizations wanted to create in physical reality, they could tap into the nonphysical reality with much more ease and be given the answers they sought.
(This sounds like total victim mentality, which is a mentality I truly despise, but which is warranted when you first learn the truth. Before going on, I just want to note that yes, you could easily make a strong argument that we are all victims. However, it’s counterproductive and damaging to have that mentality, and all of what I’m writing here ends in pure unadulterated empowerment.)
It was a different age with a different vibration and a higher frequency, generally across the realm, which is what you may have noticed we are starting to enter right now. Can’t you tell that time is passing faster these past few years? I mean strangely fast? That’s just one of many signs of a higher vibrating physical reality.
Do you remember the sun being more yellow than it is now a couple decades ago? It’s more of a white color now, isn’t it? White is a higher frequency than yellow. Just a sign of the shift that’s happening right now, coming down from above. As above, so below. Again, it’s all exciting beyond my ability to verbalize it.
I remember being taught in school that the pyramids were built by slaves sliding the big rocks up ramps with ropes around them. I still have the textbook illustration burned into my mind. Was school as worthless for you as it was for me? It’s actually embarrassing when you see it. Think about all the time and energy, the life force you expended memorizing and regurgitating information that was actually completely fake, and extremely gay. 90% of our effort during our “education” was given to memorizing and regurgitating. That is not knowledge, and the ability to do it is not intelligence. What if we had instead put that energy into making things, or rediscovering who and what we are from an early age? We have been living in the Age of Deception!
Although the pyramids aren’t a subject I’ve been motivated to dive very deep into, my current personal theory on the kind of technology they used to make them was sound/vibratory technology. You can find modern examples of sound frequencies levitating objects. You can find examples in nature as well. Bumblebees are too fat and heavy for their little wings to be able to levitate them mechanically, so their wings actually produce a frequency that creates a little levitation bubble around their bodies, which is how they’re able to fly, unaffected by wind by the way. That’s the kind of technology I think the Egyptians used. I don’t know if it was machines or maybe even just a group of monks humming, but regardless, sound/levitation technology is an entire fascinating rabbit hole on its own if you’re interested.
By the way, all of these technologies are being uncovered and studied by brilliant individuals right now and it is inevitable that the tech re-emerges to serve humanity again, which includes old suppressed Tesla technology that gathers/generates infinite free energy! Imagine each home with a small inexpensive coil device that provides infinite free energy to power everything within it, and requires little to no maintenance! It’s all happening and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop it. That’s one of the aspects of this shift of ages that excites me most. I cannot wait to see what we have in ten, twenty, especially fifty years!
Nuclear Weapons Don’t Exist
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were firebombed, not nuked. There are first- and second-hand accounts of this if you look for them.
We are told that the half life of plutonium is like 24,000 years, and that of uranium is much longer. That means for at least a big chunk of that, these isotopes are emitting dangerous radiation that kills every life form around.
Have you seen Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Within a few short years of these supposed atomic bomb sites being annihilated, they were back up and running. And within a decade, not to mention in 2024, you’d never have a clue that they were firebombed to the extent that they were. What happened to the radiation? Why aren’t those places lifeless hellscapes like they say they’re supposed to be?
How are so few people asking that question?
It’s a simple question with an obvious answer that proves we were lied to. The truth is always right there, you just have to think a little bit. Question the narratives instead of assuming they’re true. Even better, you can immediately know what is not true when any official narrative on any event rolls out in the media and therefore into collective human consciousness.
The idea that there are bombs or any kind of human technology capable of blowing up our world is complete bullshit. It’s the same as the dinosaur/meteor idea: be afraid because your entire world can just be annihilated at any moment and there’s not a single thing you can do about it. Be invested in international news. Give us your attention, we feed off of your fear.
Your human attention is the most valuable thing in existence. What does every single media outlet, every government, every business, every “influencer”, every person want from you? Your attention. I’m humbled that you’re currently directing it here to these words I’ve written. Please be cognizant and very conscious to what and to whom you give it. Your entire reality depends on it because your attention is a two-way street. You give it, and also receive from where you give it, without exception. If you constantly give it to forces that want what’s worst for you and ideas that cause fear/division/sadness/etc (for example literally every single mainstream media outlet without even one single exception, and most non-mainstream media outlets as well), then it’s no surprise that your entire mental and spiritual states will be bereft of all the good stuff, the divine stuff, and so follows your actual, seemingly external life situation. As within, so without.
You are safe. Don’t worry about any of it. Nothing’s gonna blow up. No one’s gonna randomly shoot up your local theater either. Laugh at how ridiculous it all is, the fear mongering. People are good in the actual, real-life reality that you experience. The realities created for you on the screens are not safe and are full of horrible, demonic people. But that is not reality, it’s a 100% fake trap for your mind intended to enslave you!
Viruses Don’t Cause Disease
This is a scientifically true statement: “It has never been proven that viruses cause disease.”
Isn’t that wild? It’s all speculation, [bad] circumstantial evidence accepted as truth. We all just assume that viruses are these bad things that we can’t see, but we breathe them in or whatever and that’s why we get sick.
This idea re: viruses took many many hours of research for me to accept because I believed what you probably believe, that viruses get into our bodies and make us sick even if we’re healthy. A good primer book is Goodbye Germ Theory written by a wonderful man, Dr. William Trebing. Dr. Bruce Lipton’s work is also wonderful and related to terrain theory, the basic idea being, as I recall, that the ultimate “terrain” is your mind, so your thoughts and beliefs directly influence the physical expression of your DNA. We are not slaves to our DNA. Consciousness is king. So even if you believe viruses are real and cause disease in healthy humans, if you also believe that you are immune to them, then you will be, just as an example. Much easier, however, to do a little research and realize that viruses simply do not cause disease, so there’s nothing at all to worry about.
On the other hand, if you believe what we were taught, and you’re at a party where a few people are sick and coughing and you worry that their viruses are going to infect you, then you are more than capable of creating that reality and experiencing it.
You can go to yandex and search “germ theory vs terrain theory” or “germ theory hoax” or something similar.
I just used yandex and google for those searches out of curiosity and google didn’t even auto populate “terrain theory” after I typed “germ theory vs” – ha. What a joke that site has become. Sad.
Terrain theory is the truth, not germ theory. The history itself is interesting if you care to read up on it, Pasteur vs Bechamp, the battle of germ theory vs terrain theory. Interestingly, before germ theory even became widely accepted due to Pasteur’s work, he reportedly said on his deathbed something like, “The terrain is everything, the germ is nothing.” And yet here we are in 2024 with most people believing that germs and viruses cause disease in healthy people.
In a nutshell, terrain theory says that disease results from internal toxicity. If you have clean terrain, which is to say if your body has low or zero toxicity, then you can be exposed to lots of viruses and bacteria and whatever other malevolent infectious particles/organisms you can imagine, yet never experience any disease whatsoever.
This is true in my experience. As I’ve taken many steps to detoxify my body in what has become an incredibly toxic world, I have experienced absolutely zero sicknesses whatsoever for over a year. I’ll discuss my favorite detox methods in more detail in a future article, but over the last year I’ve been around lots of sick people, including my sick children coughing and sneezing directly into my face, and I haven’t even come close to getting sick, not even a scratchy throat.
Do you want to know the ultimate truth about sickness?
The sickness is the cure.
When you become sick, that is the body healing itself, which is to say the body is detoxifying itself, and that process manifests physically in the sickness you experience. Runny nose, diarrhea, coughing, fever, headache, etc. Your body is cleaning itself out, all on its own with its own divine intelligence, because the toxic load became too much for it to be able to function properly, so it’s trying to hit the reset button, and you experience some pain and discomfort as a result of that process.
And what do we typically do when we become sick? We take medications to suppress the symptoms so that we aren’t uncomfortable, and those very meds further toxify the body and stop the natural detoxification process dead in its tracks. That is the exact opposite of what we should be doing, which is doing whatever we can to help the body to detoxify, including letting the sickness run its course, and never suppressing symptoms unless they become deadly (although you’d have to be incredibly toxic for the detox symptoms to be deadly).
The sickness is the cure, and we repress the sickness, and so we never heal. Therefore we continue to get sick year after year, never allowing our bodies to do what they need to do, which is to detoxify. And after years, decades of telling our bodies to shut the hell up and stop trying to help us, they become completely overwhelmed and can no longer help us, and so they have to die. “Sorry human, I tried my best to be a good avatar for you to navigate this realm during your incarnation, but I have failed you 😢.”
Viruses certainly don’t exist as described, and if they even exist at all, I lean towards the idea that they are like a soap created by the body to help it heal. Bundles of damaged cell parts being shuttled out of the body, cleaning up along the way. Blaming viruses for illness is like blaming firemen for fires. “But anytime there’s a fire you always see firemen – they’re causing the fires!” Stupid.
And if viruses don’t cause disease, then what the hell is going on with all of these “vaccine” injections we’re giving our beautiful children in order for them to be able to participate in society, by the way? If the viruses these vaccines protect against aren’t causing disease, if they even exist at all, then what is the purpose of these injections?
Vaccines are a touchy subject, and I don’t want to get into them now. Maybe in the future. Just know they are absolutely not necessary and provide no benefit at all whatsoever. Quite the opposite.
Don’t feel bad if you’ve gotten them for yourself or your kids. You just didn’t know, and it’s not your fault. We were all deceived together. It’s not me, a so-called “anti-vaxxer”* vs you, a supporter of “SCIENCE”. It’s you and me, the people, versus those who perpetrated all of this against us. But you urgently need to wake up and realize that you believed the lie. Put in the hours and do your research, and you will realize you were deceived. If you are planning on getting vaccines for yourself or loved ones in the near future, this is the #1 topic you need to research immediately. Start with that great book I mentioned in the beginning of this section and go from there. Please.
*Any time there’s a widely used pejorative term for a person with certain beliefs, such as “anti-vaxxer”, you can be almost certain that those beliefs are truth. There are very few exceptions to this rule.
Also, there are ways to heal the damage vaccines cause. You can probably find a local naturopath who specializes in reversing vaccine damage. Our naturopath pediatrician is never lacking patients, quite the opposite, because people find her via word of mouth, and she told me the majority of her new clients are parents seeking to reverse vaccine damage their children have experienced since the allopathic doctors who administered the injections refuse even to admit the possibility that those toxic, horrific shots could ever have caused any damage. Their minds are absolutely sealed shut on the matter, which is understandable if you consider the type of regret possible upon learning they’ve actually been harming children instead of helping them like they thought they were. Lord have mercy. Regardless, everything is healable except for mental retardation, which is an affliction someone I deeply respect says is God’s way of teaching us compassion. I love that.
Modern Medicine Is…Not Awesome
Extremely important disclaimer: Doctors, nurses, medical professionals, are not bad people. The vast majority of them are very good people who want to help other people. I love them and respect their desire to help. That said, they have been deceived to an even higher degree than the average non-medical person. The pharmaceutical industry writes the textbooks and med school curricula, and funds the schools and hospitals. The industry that profits off of sickness funds and controls every aspect of the “healthcare” system. It’s just an outrageous conflict of interest.
Modern medicine is amazing for one thing: emergency situations. Whether it’s a car accident, a shooting, a fatal infection, or some other kind of dire emergency, modern medicine is amazing at saving lives. But that’s where its benefits end in my opinion.
Modern medicine is a materialist modality to the extreme. Instead of researching ways to embrace and strengthen the placebo effect, which is SCIENCE for mind over matter, modern medicine brushes it aside like it’s an annoyance that interferes with its profits. There is no consideration whatsoever given to the mental or spiritual roots of physical ailments. It looks at physical ailments as problems that must be solved with other physical things, which is to say, petroleum based pharmaceutical pills and other treatments, which are extremely expensive and therefore extremely profitable.
Materialism is a flawed philosophy (to put it very nicely); therefore, modern medicine is a flawed healing modality, outside of the emergency situations mentioned and maybe a couple other small areas. It treats symptoms with no regard for the causes, and so people never actually heal. They just get temporary physical relief.
Health is our birthright. We don’t need injections and piles of pharmaceuticals to achieve and maintain perfect health. On the contrary, we need to avoid those things at all costs. All we need is provided by nature, plus a little knowledge and understanding. We don’t need to go to the doctor for checkups for him to tell us we’re healthy.

Health is actually quite simple. It’s a matter of living as naturally as possible, primarily by consuming foods that are as natural as possible (not easy to be honest, and can be expensive), getting your blood flowing a bit with exercise (very easy and free), and most importantly, not stressing and worrying about anything (easy for some, difficult for others…and also free). Stress and worry will ruin your health even if you’re doing everything else perfectly. And the best way to avoid stress and worry is an empowering cosmology such as the one I outlined near the start of this, and which I will expound upon at the end of this.
We are not slaves to our flawed DNA (read Bruce Lipton’s Biology of Belief). We are not slaves to anything unless we believe we are. At a certain level of consciousness, it doesn’t matter all that much even what we eat or if we exercise. A powerful mind and a deep belief in health is enough to achieve and maintain it. That takes a lot of energy with an unhealthy lifestyle, however, so it’s just easier to eat well and exercise so we don’t have to expend energy transmuting objectively harmful foods like french fries into healthy nutritious sustenance, for example, which is possible but energetically costly. (I love french fries by the way). We can use that energy instead to write rambling blog posts that make most people think we’re complete lunatics.
And if you want to transmute objectively horrific things like toxin-laden injections and powerful chemical pills into something beneficial, that takes an enormous amount of energy. Best to avoid them altogether, period. But it can be done. Anything can be done with human intention, and the potential power of human intention is infinite.
There are modern living breatharians among us, people who haven’t consumed a single calorie in decades, and have perfect, divine health. There are monks who can physically levitate their bodies. There are healers who have complete control over their qi and can transmit healing currents through their fingers into their patients. There are people who can move physical objects with their minds. These people exist, right now, as I type this. Improving physical health with the mind is like a preschool activity compared to what humans are actually capable of. One day it will be taught in preschool once we’re deeper into the Age of Enlightenment.
If you want true, divine health as a physical human in 2024, the one practice that I think is probably mandatory is figuring out a good detox regimen that works for you. As I said in the virus section, sickness is caused by toxicity, not “germs”, and sickness is the cure, not the problem. The problem is you are full of toxic garbage. We all are. So if you can figure out the best ways to remove the toxins from your body and keep your body clean, you will enjoy perfect health because your body simply will not need to get sick.
Toxins are basically impossible to avoid in modern times. They fluoridate the water supply*, inject food animals with all manner of garbage, spray all kinds of carcinogenic chemical pesticides and preservatives on our genetically modified fruits and veggies, and even spray bullshit right into the sky, into the very air we breathe. So unless you live way, way off grid and grow and raise your own food, all of this garbage is finding its way into your body. Fortunately, there are many, many ways to just shuttle it all out of your body. Below are some of the methods I have found to be most powerful, and therefore I have continued to practice them, versus the many other methods I’ve tried and didn’t notice any benefits from and so stopped doing them:
- green coffee enemas
- extended water fasts (I’ve done up to 7 days, but for anyone suffering a life-threatening ailment, a 30-40 day water fast will cure absolutely every single disease you can imagine, including terminal cancer – read The Water of Life by John Armstrong. Imagine that the cure for everything requires nothing your body doesn’t automatically provide, for free, and you actually save money healing by not spending any of it on food!)
- drinking lots of distilled water (try drinking only distilled water and no other liquids for a month and watch absolute magic happen in your body even if you make no other changes)
- shivambu (aka urine therapy)
- concentrated chlorophyll
- borax
- oxy powder pills
*Fluoride is a byproduct of aluminum production, and it is very toxic and costs a lot of money to dispose of properly. Their ingenious idea was to say it was good for our teeth, and just dump it into our water supply to “benefit” the population…and get paid for it instead of paying to dispose of it, and further benefit by making us dumber and less healthy, so more dependent on them! What is that, a quadruple whammy? Sometimes you just have to give it to them – that was ingenious. But fluoride gunks up your whole system and specifically calcifies your pineal gland, which some ancients referred to as the seat of the Soul, meaning drinking and bathing in fluoridated water for years has diminished your spiritual power and your spiritual vision in addition to just generally making your body more toxic and lethargic and arthritic. I believe fluoride is the #1 culprit of neurodegenerative diseases in the elderly. Again, all of this is reversible, at least up to a point.
Those are just some of the things I personally do to detoxify my system, and like I said, in spite of a quite imperfect diet and exercise regimen, I enjoy absolutely perfect health, and I know I will continue to enjoy it to a very old age.
If you have no detox regimen at all, start with one thing, notice the benefits, and keep adding on from there. In a year or two your entire regimen, which will seem like a lot to a newbie, will just be an effortless habit for you, a way of life. Probably the easiest way to start is never to drink fluoridated tap water ever again. Try drinking only distilled water for a month and watch all of your pain disappear, watch your energy levels spike upward, watch your brain work faster and more effectively. Add in some Oxy-Powder pills each night for that month, but make sure you have a clothespin for your morning BM because what starts to come loose in your digestive tract and shuttle out of your ass is the most horrific smelling toxic chemical waste imaginable. Much better in than out, obviously, but fair warning for your nostrils and anyone within a 50 meter radius from your bathroom window, which you will be compelled to open regardless of the weather.
If you’re curious about what happened to the medical field, you can look up the story of how Rockefeller did a full-on assault on homeopathic medicine over 100 years ago, and shifted the entire West over to allopathic, and eventually purely chemical-based, materialistic medicine, which is far more profitable. Doctors used to be schooled in both homeopathy and allopathy back in the day. Now they could be accurately described as professional drug dealers. Again, not bad people, mostly good people, but they’ve just been badly, badly misguided.
Many, many doctors and nurses have left the system and started their own naturopathic/holistic healing clinics, or at least shifted their work over into those fields, which are seeing more and more demand with each passing day (both my naturopath pediatrician and vet have long waiting lists). If you’re in the medical field and waking up to the truth of our situation, I’m sorry, it sucks, truly. But you have a great opportunity in front of you as we shift over into this Age of Enlightenment. You are a healer, period. You were just deceived like the rest of us. But you are more than smart enough to figure out a way to heal people outside of the system. There are lots and lots of medical professionals who have done just that who can act as your guides and teachers. God speed.
We Live on a Plane, Not a Globe
Space may be the final frontier but it’s made in a Hollywood basement
– Red Hot Chili Peppers
For me this was a pretty tough pill to swallow. I had known for years that 9/11 was a hoax, most (maybe all?) mass shootings that go viral in the media are hoaxes, things like that. What even is the official narrative of that Vegas shooting a few years back by the way? That was a weird one that I guess people just lost interest in so the controllers never even had to formulate a cohesive narrative? And I had heard for years that there was a growing group of really dumb fucks who thought the earth was flat. Finally in the summer of 2022 I actually got annoyed enough that anyone could be so stupid, so I decided to see what they actually believed.
Just FYI, it is absolutely not this:

That actually is truly retarded, and literally zero humans believe it (I hope). And of course that is the kind of image that comes up when you search “flat earth” in google, so most people who are at least motivated even to google the term will immediately think, “Wow, that is insanely stupid, I can’t believe I share a physical reality with people as stupid as that,” and click away, never look deeper, and just continue to berate and mock the people who know the truth with an air of superiority. That is all by design, of course.
Below is what our realm probably looks like. I say probably because I suspect there are additional land masses that are not known to us common folk, and likely other land masses, even suns, moons, realms, beyond the wall of ice around the perimeter and the firmament above that encase our beautiful physical plane. (Speaking of the word “plane” – plane of existence; airplane; planet – the truth is built right into our very language and it has always been right there in our faces.)

(That is the official map/layout of Earth that was taught in schools over a hundred years ago, by the way, before school was transformed into a wood chipper intended to churn out slaves. “I don’t want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers.” – John D. Rockefeller)
Or could it be even more magical than that? Something like this, with the Earth we know of in the center? Maybe that’s why countries we’re told are at war with each other have agreed to and have never broken the Antarctic Treaty, which disallows all private exploration of Antarctica (i.e. the ice wall).

Side note: aliens, or “extra-terrestrials” (from the extra terra outside of the ice wall?) from “outer space” (the space outside of our ice wall?) make a lot more sense with this physical layout of reality. They can zoom over from their “pond” in the infinite plane over to our Atlantic Basin pond (aka Earth), fly around, and be home in time for dinner, versus flying trillions of miles from other “galaxies”. For reference, one trillion seconds is 31,000 years, and the closest star is supposedly 25 trillion miles away from Earth. So on the globe model of reality, alien visitors are kind of impossible, at least with regard to physically traveling through “space”.
Anyway, upon seeing the new and true layout of our realm, immediately dozens of questions enter your mind, like how do the sun and moon work? What about space? How does anything work in this model???
To summarize, our ocean, the Atlantic Basin, is basically a big pond contained by a massive circular ice wall (Antarctica is a wall, not a continent, south always points to the wall, north always points to the north pole, east is just counter-clockwise, west is clockwise), and beyond and above all of that is the firmament, separating the waters above from the waters below, to paraphrase the Bible. There is no space. Our physical reality is a closed system. Beyond the firmament is the spiritual realm. God is right there!

(That’s just conceptual art, ignore the square below and the rest. I just like how it illustrates the presence and proximity of the spiritual realm, albeit in a physical manner.)
What if that’s where you’ve been living all along? Would that change how you see the world? Would life seem more magical to you? Would you feel less insignificant, isolated, alone, and lost if you knew that’s what this realm was versus this?

When you’re standing on the shore of a mountain lake at sunrise and there isn’t a ripple on the water, not a breath of wind, and your sensations tell you that your feet are on solid, immovable ground, and everything is perfectly still, ask yourself: “Is it possible that the ground below my feet right now is spinning at over 1,000 mph, and also orbiting the sun at 66,616 mph, and the sun is blasting through space at 447,000 mph?” Really go inward and ask yourself if that makes any sense at all.
In reality, the sun and moon circle above in tighter circles in the summer (tightest at the summer solstice, resulting in the longest days of the year in the north), which is why the northern hemisphere has warmer weather in the summer, and wider circles in the winter (culminating at the winter solstice, the shortest days of the year in the north), which is why the southern hemisphere has their summer during our winter. I get that it seems you can see and feel the rotation of the earth as the sun rises and sets. I used to think the same, even as I got into sungazing. But it’s all explained by perspective, and light only travels so far, so we experience darkness when the sun goes far away from our location, and like street lights on a long straight road that shrink and appear to get closer to the ground until they disappear, the sun lowers and then disappears when it gets far enough away from you.

Given what we were all taught basically from birth, the normal reaction would be just to shut down your mind and not even consider the possibility that we could live on a plane.
But what if we do? What does that mean?
Just know that there are answers to almost all of your questions. Although I’m not going to go very deep into this here, because it is quite a long personal journey one must take for himself to know the truth for himself, I will refer you to the best resource I’ve found on the subject, which will answer your every question:
That’s a hub for one of the best known “flat earthers” out there, Dave Weiss. A good place to start would be to listen to a podcast or two that he’s been on (or in my case every single one, plus a bunch more interviews with different people on the subject, including debates between “flat earthers” and stumped astrophysicists), and then get the phone app which is like $3 and has all kinds of resources to answer any remaining questions.
Please don’t even consider using google for any of this for the previously stated reasons. Incidentally, the fact that google censors the topic so heavily means there’s probably something there, don’t you think? Why would they bother to censor inconsequential information? Just compare the search results between google and yandex for “flat earth” and see for yourself what google wants you to see and know, and what they don’t. Do it now.
Remember, this will take a lot of time and effort on your part. Even for the points in this article you can find some seemingly reasonable counter arguments. But you have to dive deep yourself with an open mind and put in the work. It’s much easier to do what most people do and just dismiss the idea outright and return to the safety of their globe reality, which is way less awesome than the actual realm we live in, but doesn’t require disrupting your entire conception of reality.
Before I prove we absolutely cannot live on a globe, consider this: you have never seen Earth from “space”. Every single photo you’ve seen is a composite. A fake, photoshopped image. Every one. NASA freely and openly admits this. There is not a single photo in existence showing our planet from space. We supposedly send the Hubble telescope out to wherever the fuck however many light years away and supposedly have all kinds of satellites “orbiting” Earth and not one of them has ever just *turned the camera* and taken a real photo of where they say we live. It’s just ridiculous.
Anyway, here are a few of the points that either logically or empirically proved to me that we don’t live on a globe. I actually still feel a bit embarrassed for never having thought of these things before a couple years ago. I really was too trusting.
We can see too far
Find the calculation for the curvature of the earth, and plug in some values. For example, how much curvature should there be between you and an island 10 miles away on the ocean or a lake? The answer is around 66 feet. So if you put your eyes at water level and look at an island 10 miles away, there should be a height of 66 feet of curved water at the midpoint, 5 miles out, preventing you from seeing the bottom 66 feet of the island, meaning a straight line drawn between your eyes and the island’s shore will be 66 feet below the crest of curved water at the halfway point. Put another way, your line of sight to the bottom 66 feet of the island 10 miles away would be blocked by the curved water 66 feet high in the middle. That seems like a lot based on your experience, doesn’t it? You can go find the calculation, plug in the values, and see that that is the official, scientific claim of curvature, according to all authorities. There’s no disputing that number.

Yet you can go out tomorrow with a pair of binoculars (telescope or super zoom camera are better but not necessary) and see that this is simply not the case. You can actually go experience this for yourself with your own two eyes and see that the calculation is wrong. That’s how stupidly simple this is.
Don’t believe your lying eyes, they tell you.
There are also world record distance photographs you can find that should be impossible according to the official curvature calculations. And you’ll find lots of debates and arguments on both sides for whether or not these photos disprove the globe model. Good luck deciphering them, it’s a total shitshow!
Actually, the fact that we can see too far is only proof that the curvature calculations are wrong, not that we don’t live on a globe. It could be that the globe is like 1000x bigger than they say. However, that would completely destroy all of the calculations and mathematics involved in the current gravity-dependent globe model. Completely. Which is to say, the fact that we can see too far actually does prove we don’t live on a globe, but that needed to be said.
To be honest, the fact that we can see way too far according to the globe model is all you need to know we don’t live on a globe. It is irrefutable proof that the globe model is false. And you can go out and see it for yourself with your own eyeballs and know the truth for yourself. But we’ll do a bunch more.
Pressurized systems equalize
Without a physical barrier, two adjacent pressurized systems have to equalize. Your vacuum cleaner creates suction by forcing air out of the container, which lowers the pressure inside, and so the higher pressure near the opening equalizes with the lower pressure system inside, and now you can suck up the debris into the canister. That’s just pressurized systems equalizing. It’s a physical law that this has to happen.
Yet we’re told that our pressurized atmosphere just magically stays put next to the zero pressure system of “space” without any kind of physical barrier. Our pressurized atmosphere should equalize with the zero pressure space right next door, but it magically stays put.
“But it’s gravity!”
That extremely weak, unproven, so-called force by the name of gravity can’t hold a dense, physical object against the surface of the earth versus a super weak low pressure system called a vacuum cleaner, yet many miles away from the surface where gravity is supposedly its weakest, it’s strong enough to hold little air particles down next to the infinitely stronger vacuum of zero pressure called space? Does that make sense? Imagine a trillion of the most powerful vacuum cleaners, nozzles all put together, facing earth, and imagine gravity is strong enough to prevent air from being sucked into them. Is that what you believe?
Emergency flight landings
There’s a great book you can download for free called 16 Emergency Landings Proving Flat Earth
Maybe you could concoct an excuse for one or two of the emergency landings that occurred, but certainly not all of them. The point is that there are many emergency landings where planes had to land absolutely as soon as they possibly could, at the nearest airport possible, but according to their flight path on the globe, they did no such thing. They went out of their way, during emergencies, not to land at the closest airport according to the globe map and flight paths.
But when you look at the flight path on a flat earth map, it makes perfect, logical sense. They did land at the closest airport, it’s just that the globe map is complete fiction and does not match physical reality.

Is it starting to seem possible that everything you were taught about this physical realm was wrong?
A Few More Quickies
Look up the inverse square law of light (double the distance between you and a light source and the brightness goes down to 1/4 what it was – brightness of light is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source) and consider the distances they give from the sun to planets like Venus, and Venus to Earth, and then go look at Venus with your eyeballs and tell me that it’s not a light source, but actually a dusty, gassy planet reflecting sunlight so fucking hard that you can see it shining brilliantly in the night sky with your naked eyeballs. Tell me with a straight face that that bright light in the sky is actually a dusty gassy spherical planet reflecting sunlight from 67 million miles and then another 24-162 million miles to Earth, depending on the “orbits”. Say it!
Shine a light on any spherical object and notice the reflection highlight and the lack of uniformity of reflected light. Then look at the moon with its beautiful, uniform brightness, with your own eyeballs, and tell me it’s a dusty sphere reflecting sunlight. Say it! Look at the moon and say, with a straight face, that the moon is a dusty sphere reflecting sunlight!
Look at the long, straight reflection of the sun on the water at sunrise or sunset. On curved water, it wouldn’t look like that.

You’ve seen the beautiful crepuscular rays of sunrises and sunsets. Angled rays through the clouds. You can clearly see the angles with your eyeballs – they are quite large and obvious. If the sun were 93 million miles away, the tiny sliver of sunlight that reached our eyes would be all parallel rays (to our eyes, at the very least), not angled. Clearly the sun is much, much closer than 93,000,000 miles, whatever that number of miles even means. That’s part of how they get you, by using numbers that are so massive that our human minds are unable to conceive of them. What is 14.5 billion years? Can you actually imagine anything close to that number, or after maybe a few hundred years in your mind you just kind of give up because you can’t go any farther in your imagination?

If we were on a globe, the horizon would drop down as we got higher and higher. But even on an airplane, the horizon rises to eye level, as it should on a level plane. Look out the window next time you’re on an airplane with that in mind.
Consider so-called “gravity” and tell me why the moon doesn’t speed up as it circles Earth toward the sun, and then slow down as it circles Earth away from the sun. Is the moon immune to the sun’s “gravity”? While the sun’s “gravity” is simultaneously powerful enough to keep Earth in constant orbit? But it doesn’t affect the moon? Also, there is no computer model in existence that can predict the motion of more than two gravitational bodies acting on each other. It’s called the three-body problem. The inevitable result of three or more gravitational bodies acting on each other is chaos.
FYI gravity only explains why things go down, not why they go up. Density/buoyancy explains up and down. The direction of down is determined by electrostatic force. This realm is electromagnetic (and so are you!). The theory of gravity is superfluous in reality, and only necessary on a fake globe/space model. And it has also never been shown in a lab setting, the idea that the more massive something is, the bigger its gravitational force/field. Gravity has never been detected or measured, only assumed in order to make the model work. So big things just gain this mysterious force that no one has ever shown…because they’re big. Ok pal. You are pressed to the ground because you’re denser than the air (though hopefully a bit less dense after finishing this article). A helium balloon rises because it’s less dense than the air.
How did we never ask these questions before? Isn’t it so ridiculous? Isn’t the power of the veil of deception truly amazing???
I could go on for a while, those are just top of mind. Just get the app and have all your questions answered.
A typical first question is, “But why would they lie about that?” I’ll answer your question with a question. Who is easier to control, a population who thinks they are insignificant mistakes, tiny random specks in an infinite, incomprehensible universe, or a fearless population who knows there is a Creator, and that they are special, divine, created (not evolved) beings in a safe, enclosed system, and that no one and no thing has any authority over them whatsoever in spite of declarations and appearances? It’s always about control.
If the government, for example, claims there’s a virus you can’t see but is killing people and so now you have to take a few experimental injections directly into your body, which of the two above populations is more likely to comply?
On a globe in space, it is possible there is no God. When you realize the actual shape and nature of our physical realm, God becomes the most obvious thing in the world. Of course your own conception of God is your choice, and it can vary wildly from person to person. But as long as you know there is a Creator, and your conception of Him/Her/It is empowering and life affirming, then the details don’t matter so much.
A typical early question is also, “So you’re telling me all the pilots and all the NASA employees are in on the lie?” The answer is no, only the people at the highest positions in those organizations need to know the truth. The rest of these organizations are extremely compartmentalized. So you could, for example, have a physicist working out equations for a moon landing within the globe/space paradigm, and he could be doing good work, doing good math. But in reality none of his calculations are being used at all because they’re just making a (shitty) video in Hollywood of a fake landing. His work is basically theoretical mathematical masturbation. Also, there are a lot of interviews with pilots who know we live on a plane, not a globe, mostly retired so they can’t get fired. It’s not just a few crazies anymore, it’s way more people than you would imagine, because we are in the awakening as I type this, and fewer people are afraid to be made fun of for their ideas because they know the truth, and truth is truth is truth. I try to be a glaring example of this.
A few more images, because they are more powerful than words.

The biggest obstacle in coming to know that we live on a plane is the inability to consider the possibility that we’ve been lied to on such a massive scale for our entire lives. Easier to fool someone than to convince him he’s been fooled, especially on this scale. If you enter your research with at least the open-mindedness that there is even the slimmest chance that we could possibly live on a plane, and go forward with curiosity, then you will come to the same conclusion I did. The same conclusion many, many people far smarter and more credentialed than I am also came to, if that means anything to you.
It shouldn’t mean anything to you because trusting credentialed people is what got us this deep in bullshit to begin with, which is why I’ve said throughout that you have to do the awakening yourself and put in the work yourself. And as you progress on your awakening journey, you will start to ignore even what seemingly brilliant, respectable people say if it conflicts with what you know to be true because you will learn to trust yourself, your knowledge, and your intuition. In fact, the more credentialed, famous, and highly regarded by society an individual is, the higher the likelihood that he is a fraud and a liar, a paid actor, an untruthful person who knows the truth but is lying and getting paid for it. Neil deGrasse Tyson is a great example of this. A complete and utter fraud, a paid actor/liar.
Another important point which is universally applicable and more important than ever is: don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. If you’re a so-called “flat earther” and someone has incredible wisdom but starts talking about planetary orbits and galaxies and other globe talk, that doesn’t mean you can’t learn from him. Conversely if you’re a so-called “glober” and someone has lots of wise things to say but talks about living on our infinite plane with the firmament above, that doesn’t negate the value of the other things he has to say. The vast majority of my mentors believe in the globe paradigm, so I just ignore what they have to say on that topic and embrace the good stuff. Life is never all or nothing. That’s an idea I know to be true but with which I still often struggle.
When I finally, fully realized we don’t live on a globe (just checked my journal, it was on 7-26-2022 “Welp, I’m a Flat Earther Now” is the title of the entry), my entire reality turned upside down. It was really uncomfortable and scary for a while. I was constantly doubting my very reality, and I was pretty angry at those who perpetrated the deception. That can happen. It was also embarrassing. God damnit I never wanted to be a flat earther what the fuck is happening!? But once you come to terms with it, all of the other lies are much easier to rid yourself of. You are untethering your mind from the matrix. You are actually standing on solid ground for the first time in your entire life, not spinning and hurtling through an infinite vacuum! You are beginning to create your own beautiful, empowering reality versus allowing nefarious forces to create a shitty reality for you. And it is shitty: you are a mistake on a random rock in the infinite vacuum of space. Nothing matters. You don’t matter. Take our “medicines”, buy our products, work for shitty pay, and when you die, there’s nothing else, you turn to dust. So make sure to pursue pleasure and short-term gain, even if you screw over other people, because that’s all there is to life. You’re just an animal after all.
That sucks man. You can take that cosmology, scrunch it up into a little ball, apply some organic, cold-pressed coconut oil to it, and slide it into your rectum. I want nothing to do with it anymore.
What You Think Are Laws Are Actually Just Corporate Statutes You Volunteer to Abide by
I saved this one for last because as of this writing it is the topic that most excites me in life because the actual, real-life implication of this knowledge is true freedom like you’ve never even been able to imagine!
Everything I write in this section, and way, way more, is covered in a one-stop website, and all of the information is free. It’s the best resource I’ve ever found on the subject. If you care to find other resources, he’ll also point you to them.
I’ll just refer you there. Sign up for his free course which is 39 days of daily emails, each with a new video. I’m about halfway through as of this writing, but as is my wont, I’ve listened to all the podcasts I could find that he’s been on. I’ve also researched the work of others, Kurt Kallenbach, Sui Generis, and many more. However, Brandon at the site above makes it much more digestible, and really just a whole lot more fun. And he’s not angry about anything, which I love. Lots of other experts on the subject are old and very angry. It’s a real turnoff, even though these men are brilliant and helpful.
Alright, I don’t know where to start so I’ll just start with the IRS.
Income tax is completely voluntary. The IRS is a private, foreign, for-profit corporation based in Puerto Rico. You opt into the system the moment you fill out that first tax form at Wendy’s or Forever 21 or wherever your first job was and sent it in to the IRS corporation. If you had never filled out a single tax form, so had never opted into the system, the IRS could send you letters or call you and tell you to fill out your tax forms, but they could never have gotten a single penny from you. You would have been untouchable because you would have never agreed to their terms.
People go to jail for taxes because they opt into the system and then break the rules and then admit they broke the rules on purpose. If you never opt in, it is obviously impossible to break the rules, so you would never have had to pay a single dime in income tax. And yes, there are ridiculously simple ways to opt out, including instructions on how to get your employer, if you have one, to stop withholding taxes from your paychecks. How much easier and better would your life have been up to this point if you had never had to pay a dime in income tax?
I have recently opted out myself (i.e. I have officially, lawfully revoked my election to be treated as a US resident for tax purposes) and at some future date will follow the steps required to have all of the taxes I’ve ever paid, plus interest, returned to me. That part may require litigation, which I’m willing to go through with. But others have been refunded quietly with no litigation required.
Your conditioned response is, “But it’s your duty to pay taxes so the government can clean and maintain the roads, and [insert public service], so you are not holding up your end of the bargain. You’re being immoral.” Or something like that.
That’s not how it works, even a little bit, even though that’s how we’re taught it works. Go to that website and go through the course. I could write pages on the subject but again, this whole article is just a primer for you to engage in your own research and know these things for yourself.
Yes, property tax and sales tax are also possible to get out of completely (working on that myself). Like I said, we have been living in a freaking matrix! And it’s all voluntary! We didn’t know, but we opted into all of these contracts we had no idea were contracts! It’s all contracts and you can get out of all of them!
Imagine this visual: a man restrained by a bunch of interwoven contracts on paper, held down, almost unable to move. Then he realizes they’re all voluntary contracts and he opts out of all of them just by saying it, and just like that, he’s free. He’s out of the contract matrix. That is the actual reality of your situation right now.
You never would have needed a driver’s license if you had never gotten one, which is when you opted into the system. Police only have jurisdiction over commercial drivers. Are you operating a private automobile, not engaged in commerce? Then cops have no jurisdiction, period. But you have to know the information, and know what to say, and you have to be nice, to be at peace, and to act with honor and respect. 99% of cops don’t know this stuff either because they’re not taught it. “Police officers” are actually “policy enforcers” – corporate employees enforcing corporate statutes on people who volunteered to be subject to the statutes. It’s so ridiculous when you see it. Just like with the medical field and any other, cops, lawyers, judges, etc are not bad people. Well maybe federal judges are since all of them know this information but continue to act as and get paid for being slave masters. The rest have just been deceived like all of us. But the the veil is thinning and lifting baby!
Passport, voter registration, marriage, all of these government (i.e. corporate) forms you’ve filled out have all been contracts and you’ve voluntarily entered them and opted into their corporate systems. And you can opt out of all of it. It goes very deep and there’s a lot of work to do if you want to be truly free. I’m just in the beginning of my own process, but where it ends is total, true freedom. No need for a license for anything. Simply do not harm others, do not steal or damage their property, and do not swindle them. That’s common law, law of the land. Most people operate under maritime law, and we are legally treated as abandoned vessels (this is a deep rabbit hole within the rabbit hole). This is one area you’ll really have to research on your own and learn. There’s no magic bullet. You have to put in the work and know the information. And there are many ways to go about it, which is exciting in itself – find the method that resonates with you most. Again, I’m just near the beginning of my journey myself, but I already see the end in sight because other real people are living it right now and talking openly about it. You have to know who you are, what you are, and what all of these seeming government agencies really are, which is corporations that you’ve unknowingly contracted with. And most importantly, you have to be open to the idea that all of this is true, true freedom is possible, and then pursue your learning with an open mind, otherwise you guarantee that you’ll never experience true freedom in your life.
I’ll put it bluntly: if you don’t put in the work and learn this stuff for yourself and then take the required actions, then quite honestly you don’t deserve to be free. It feels kind of bad saying that, but it’s the truth.
On the other hand, if this seems true to you but you have no interest in pursuing it, that’s perfectly fine. My personality is such that I want maximum freedom, maximum truth. I was born that way, it is in my Soul. I know others have different personalities and none of us is better than the other. It just comes down to personal choice. But personally, all of this legal research has given me a constant erection. I’m actually typing with it right now, which is difficult because it’s so enormous.
As I said in the beginning of this article, everything we’ve been taught is the opposite of the truth. I was always proud to have been a Citizen of the United States. I thought it made me free, gave me rights, blah blah, which is actually directly opposed to the truth (surprise!). I didn’t know that even just by the act of saying I was a Citizen of the United States I was naturalizing [8 USC § 1101(a)(23)] myself into the United States, a corporation based in the District of Columbia, even though I’ve never lived there or had anything to do with the place. I had no idea I was saying, “Yes, I am an employee of that corporation and I agree to abide by all of its corporate statutes.”
State of (insert your state name), County of (insert your county name), Town/City of (insert your town/city name) are all sub-corporations of the United States corporation, all located in DC. They are all corporations, and what you’ve always believed were laws are actually corporate statutes you’ve unknowingly volunteered to abide by.
When we’re born, a public corporation is created in our name, all capital letters, and when we identify with that all-caps name, we become a dead entity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution does not apply to the all-caps dead entity. It only applies to living men and women (men and women – maybe this has something to do with the worldwide viral push for transgenderism???). Look at any “government” document addressed to you. 100% of the time it is addressed to your all-caps name. And you sign as that entity. You show up in court, they ask your birth date, have you show your ID which has your name in all caps. You say you are that person (“person” does not have to be alive, a corporation can be a “person” in the eyes of the law – it all comes down to definitions). And so you give up ALL of your God-given rights.
In this light, some of these outrageous court cases start to make a lot more sense. “But that’s a clear violation of his constitutional rights!” You just didn’t know that the victim of the outrageous court ruling gave up all of his rights by identifying as a dead entity, a legal fiction, an abandoned vessel to whom the Constitution simply does not apply.
I have changed my status from a US Citizen to a non-citizen national, and will shortly be notifying all of these corporations of the status change. It’s not necessary to do so, but it makes life easier. I am not asking their permission for anything. It is done, I have naturalized myself “after birth by any means whatsoever” and I am simply notifying them of the change for my own convenience and so they don’t bother me ever again. With regard to the United States corporation based in DC, I am a non-resident alien. I am a living man, healthy and whole, and I have always been healthy and whole since the moment of conception in July of 1983 at which moment I was granted the divine spark of life by the Creator. I was given rights, and I claim all of those rights. I was made beneficiary of this realm. I claim that status. I have opted out of all contracts with all “government” corporations because I was not given full disclosure or adequate consideration. I was actually not given any disclosure at all whatsoever, which is technically fraud, and a solid federal case could also be made for slavery, involuntary servitude, and peonage, each of which carries significant penalties. If anyone had told me that I was actually contracting with corporations, I never would have agreed to any of it. So all contracts are hereby null and void back to inception and in perpetuity.
Here’s a great recording of a phone call with the genius Kurt Kallenbach who figured out a major piece to this puzzle: https://soundcloud.com/user-528951363/right-of-way-the-raw-audio
There is so, so much to all of this. It is the most matrixy part of this matrix, even more than the shape of our realm, and to be perfectly honest, it is absolutely brilliant, all of it! Whoever made it was very spiritually connected because it is truly ingenious and divinely inspired (from the dark side of course). I’m not even that mad anymore, I’m in awe of it. I cannot believe all of the societal bullshit I’ve tolerated my entire life was OPTIONAL! I cannot believe the skill with which these individuals created an entire false reality that people believe is reality, to the point that people get angry with you when you try to explain that it’s all fake. You’re the one who frees your shackles and then can see the fire and the figures creating the shadows on the wall of the cave, but those still stuck in their shackles argue with you and call you stupid for not believing in the shadows. “The shadows are reality you absolute moron!” they say.
The entire system is fake. It’s not even a house of cards. It’s much weaker than that. It simply vanishes when knowing eyes gaze upon it. That’s how ephemeral, nebulous, vaporous, etc, it is. But it all seems so real, doesn’t it? Ingenious.
I’m barely scratching the surface here, but the point is that once you learn the true law, not the corporate statutes version of the fake “law”, then you are truly free, the way God intended.
And before I finish this section I need to mention politics. It is a complete mind trap, divisive and disempowering to the extreme. A so-called “election” for the US Corporation is simply choosing a CEO. But it’s not you, the citizen (i.e. the employee) that has any say in the matter. It’s the board of directors. This whole “voting” hoax is like a company sending an email to its employees asking which person they’d rather see head the company. The board might look at the results with curiosity and have a laugh amongst themselves, but the results have absolutely no influence whatsoever on whom they choose to place as CEO. Withdraw all attention completely from politics and watch your life improve immediately. I’ve wasted a lot of my time and energy on politics in my life, so it makes me sad when I see others still doing it.
It is a deeply spiritual realization when you see it all for what it is. Just by knowing what the system actually is, its negative effects on your life and your freedom just dissipate before your very eyes like a puff of smoke. What a beautiful, interesting, exciting world this is!
Finishing Thoughts
Look, I’m not some basement dwelling neckbeard who has nothing good in his life and complains about everything, considers himself a victim, contributes nothing to the world, and jerks off to tentacle porn all day.
I’m a pretty normal dude, and very fortunate. I have a great life and am blessed in all ways, but it wasn’t always this way. When I was immersed in the fake reality that was created for me via schooling, society, entertainment, etc, I was using broken software in my mind. I was confused and often unhappy and worried on the inside, although on the outside my life seemed good to the average outsider. If you have bad software, however good the input might be, you’re gonna have shitty output. And that output is your life as a whole. This broken software is given to us by society, and it’s high time for an upgrade.
Good software would be something like this: Human life is actually a game you choose to play and you choose to forget completely that you’re playing it in order to immerse yourself fully in the game and maximize your Soul’s learning and growth. Death is an illusion, it’s nothing to be afraid of. It’s exactly like waking up from a vivid dream you thought was real. You are eternal and divine and there’s nothing that can happen in this life that could ever change that. This particular time period you’re living through has been one of massive deception, and part of the work your Soul wants for you, as an absolute matter of fact since you’re reading this far down in this verbose and poorly edited article, is to figure out the truth in spite of all the lies. You are special. This place is special. And even as your human self, you are powerful beyond your wildest dreams. You are a creator who can consciously create your entire reality according to your vision as long as you know exactly what it is you want, how to think about achieving it (hint: think and feel from the desired end from a first-person point of view, especially as you drift off to sleep each night), then take the appropriate steps to achieve it, which is guidance you’ll often receive from the spiritual realm in very strange ways. You always have spiritual support from your Soul. And you also have a team of helpers, not to mention God Himself, the Creator, the Father. Then you have angels, saints, guides, and perhaps most importantly, your ancestors are always right there with you in spirit, which means they are always right there with you, right this second, always. Once you open yourself up to that realm of possibility, life can flow quite easily. Health can be your default state and you can achieve and maintain it naturally, on your own terms. You can have abundance of all things good. Love, freedom, finances, leisure time, all of it. The only thing preventing you from experiencing it all is mental shackles which you have the power to remove. Absolutely no human, and especially no corporation has even a smidgeon of authority over you unless you give it to them. You are powerful beyond description.
The truth is empowering, isn’t it?
The converse is especially helpful if you take some time to consider it: empowerment is truth. Whenever you want to know the truth about something whether it’s a current event or something you’re taught or something you hear from someone you respect, you can immediately know whether or not it’s true by asking yourself one simple question:
Is it empowering?
If something is empowering, then it is true. If it is disempowering, then it is false. It is simply beautiful.
You can choose how to define your words, and therefore transform your entire reality. It’s how the controllers created this massive deception in the first place: definitions. Reverse it, empower yourself.
Similarly, if something is divisive, it is false. If it is cohesive, it is true.
Order, truth. Chaos, falsehood.
Before I turn it over to my Soul, I want to highly recommend you check out one of the the best truth seeker alive, crrow777. Without his knowledge and tireless work, I could still be quite deep in the fabricated reality, which is painful to imagine.
And to end this article, a message from my Soul to you, dear reader:
The controllers of your realm have always stoked division in order to control you. They stoke division and create fear. Divide and conquer. Just ignore all of it, shrink your world, love your God, and love your neighbor as you love yourself, and you’ll see that things are actually quite nice, even from within the matrix. Outside of the matrix, however, it is possible to achieve Heaven on Earth. Many have recently made that transition, and my human is deep in the process himself.
You can take your life and your entire existence into your own hands just by making the decision never to believe anything that is disempowering, and never to believe anything that is divisive.
Which brings me to my last insight about the controllers of your realm towards whom my human still has some residual resentment, as you could probably tell from his writing.
At the highest levels, the people who control your realm, above even the bank owners and the pharma owners and even above the men in the shadows behind the highest, most public politicians, you have the ancient families who are making the highest level decisions that influence your world at large. Let me tell you: they are very spiritually advanced, and they have deep knowledge of the occult. They understand what your place is, what you really are, they know what you are capable of when you free yourselves from their false reality, and that’s how and why they’re able to control everything. They use dark magic to control you, and they use dark magic to hide the truth from you with the previously mentioned veil of darkness and deception. But as we mentioned, the veil is lifting a little bit every day right now, and you can lift it for yourself at any time. But here’s the ultimate kicker…are you ready for it?
The controllers are the good guys, in the sense that if they hadn’t created this veil of deception, wouldn’t your world be kind of boring? If you all knew from the start exactly what you were, what your realm was, how it all worked, what would even be the point of incarnating? For a meaningless playground session of sorts? Isn’t it the most exciting thing to rediscover who and what you really are? The controllers have given you that opportunity.
That’s what happened to the ancient civilizations that achieved and maintained eras of true enlightenment. They collectively said, “Ok, we did it. We achieved Heaven on Earth for all men. But where we came from is already heaven in a way that’s better than this heaven, so why would any other soul want to incarnate in this perfect place where there is very little opportunity for growth and expansion, which is always enhanced and amplified by difficult struggles? Alright, let’s tear the whole thing down and start over and see if we can do it again.” Enter the mud floods, other major natural disasters that wiped out other civilizations. Everything was reset, on purpose, by agreement, consciously, and behold, another fun project to get started on! Another brand new Lego set to get to work on. Is it more fun to play with a completed Lego set, or to put it together?
And so the wheel of time keeps on turning. Time, by the way, is cyclical, not linear, which is an idea closely related to the plane vs globe and evolution vs creationism debates. Meditate on that one.
Although my human spent quite a few years being angry at the evil of the controllers of your realm, a much better mentality, and frankly a much higher vibrating, more advanced state of consciousness to have is to love them and be grateful for their work in creating their matrix so that you could enjoy and learn from the process of getting out of it. They are just actors in a play, like you are. When you leave Earth and return home and all is revealed and remembered, you’ll tell them what a great job they did building those complex labyrinths of deception and how exciting it was to crawl your way out of them, and they’ll tell you what a great job you did unraveling them.
As was said at the start, there’s no problem, there’s nothing wrong in the world. It has always been, it is, and it will always be just absolutely perfect, in spite of how humans may choose to perceive it. There is nothing to change out there. There is only your own consciousness you need to change, and as soon as you succeed at that, you’ll see that you have in fact changed the world because all of it – all of it – springs forth directly from within you.
2 responses to “Age of Deception”
My,My. In Robert Monroe’s OBE’s it was told to him that this earth was set up this way (there are at least 2 sides to every story, and you get to choose what you do with them.). The contrast is for your working it out. Free will and choice, the earth experience is how you choose to experience physicality and singularity, coming from the non physical realm. “Know thyself” is the answer to all that is “out there”. Once that occurs, none of this matters as you learn to expand your consciousness by your believing and choosing. It’s the “ earth game”, and you get to choose “whom you will serve this day”. Your soul (you) is eternal, and you have nothing to fear.
I left Religion years ago, after trying to be someone and something that I could never be, as I am most certainly not a sheep. Took me 65 years of trying. I AM and now I know it. That has been my freedom. Each souls journey is their own, and all will transition when spirit determines its time, and continue the journey of expanding their consciousness. A very wise man said once “Keep it lite”. Watch what you think, and believe. Have I not said “ye are gods.” I leave it at that. Be Well!
It’s so funny you mentioned Robert Monroe. After publishing this I received an email from an out of body traveler who offered me a free guided session, and he also mentioned Monroe, and I said what a synchronicity, I recently went through [most of] his Gateway recordings, just earlier this year. And now here you are mentioning him again!
I agree with all you said, but it seems you didn’t read the entire thing since ultimately all of what I wrote is pure empowerment, although it can seem like a victimhood mentality at the start. I don’t blame anyone for not reading it all since it is outrageously long. I think it had to be that long though, there’s a lot there and we’re talking about detaching from the matrix, which goes incredibly deep.
Regarding two sides to everything and choosing what we do with it, you are mostly right. However you seem to imply that one of the two sides is not the truth, that there is no such thing as God’s truth on certain topics. I dabbled in that mentality myself for a while. “Maybe if you believe the Earth is a plane, then your physical reality will be a plane. And maybe if you believe in the globe model, then your physical reality will be a globe according to the model.” I wondered if physical reality was that subjective. Ultimately I came to the conclusion that it is not, that there is a God’s truth as to whether we live on a globe or a plane, and the fact is that we live on a plane. It’s not my subjective opinion, it is simply a fact. If you take two people, one who knows we live on a plane and the other who truly, deeply believes we live on a globe, and set up a telescope to view an island ten miles away, and through the telescope both people can see the sandy shoreline which the globe model says it is impossible to see since there should be 66 feet of curved water blocking it, then obviously both people are living on the same shaped physical reality, which is a plane, and cannot be a globe, regardless of how deeply the globe person believes it.
From there, if the globe believer goes forward still believing in the globe model even though it has been disproven with his very own eyes, then that person is living out of line with truth, period.
All of the deceptions I mentioned are simply the truth of this place, and believing the lies we were taught enables mental and therefore total slavery. Knowing the truth and unshackling our minds from the fabricated reality created for us leads to true freedom and fulfillment. It’s not impossible to live freely and have a fulfilled life within the matrix, but human potential increases exponentially once someone recognizes the truth of our situation and goes beyond it.