Blog Archives

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March 2025
Should vs Could – transform your to-do list forever in 2 mins

January 2025
The Truth about The Beatles – they were always a mind control operation
My Guide House – I take you on a tour of my non-physical sanctuary where I go every day for guidance and more
The River of the Mind

December 2024
How to Increase Your Love Quickly
You Do Know You’re Dreaming Right Now, Don’t You?
Sidereal Astrology
How Modern Pleasure Traps Abuse the Human Brain and Ruin Our Lives

October 2024
Everything You Need to Know about Politics

June 2024
Age of Deception – the truth about life and our realm and the Awakening

September 2023
Foundational Questions about Life and Reality
Connecting with Your Soul
Borax: The Cheap CURE for Sugar Cravings, Arthritis, & Much More

September 2022
The Photograph – a man and his dog catch the trout of a lifetime.

October 2017
Short, Short Story

November 2015
A Leaf’s Final Dance – have you ever watched a single leaf fall from a tree?

October 2015
Meet Chickadee – meet my new dog.

May 2015
A Memorial for Buddy – my second golden retriever passed away 4-18-15. This is a memorial for my boy.

March 2015
Early 2015 Photos

February 2015
Resistance and Connecting the Dots – a short post about connecting the dots of our lives, and angels and spirit guides.

January 2015
A Memorial for Rigs – one of my two golden retrievers died last week. This is a memorial for my boy.

December 2014
December 2014 Photos & Personal Updates
November 2014 Photos

November 2014
Creativity: Unleashing the Forces Within (A Review) – a review of a great little book.
Living Creatively – I discuss an idea that has enriched my life recently.
Two Years –’s 2-year anniversary.
Fall 2014 Photos – the best photos I took this fall.
The Virtues of a Flip Phone – how life is since I switched from an iPhone to an old flip phone.

October 2014
Life Lessons from Dogs – what my dogs have taught me about life.
Your Bubble of Solitude – a nice thought about solitude.
30 Days of Marijuana Conclusion – conclusion to the pot experiment.
How to Make Your Razor Last Forever (For Free) – self-explanatory title.

September 2014
30 Days of Marijuana Update #3 – third update to the pot experiment.
30 Days of Marijuana Update #2 – second update to the pot experiment.
30 Days of Marijuana Update #1 – first update to the pot experiment.
30 Days of Marijuana – a 30-day experiment in which I smoke pot every day.
Painting a Life – living life is just like painting.

August 2014
The Type-Z Guide to Success – A Review – a review of a great book I recently read.
An Expanded View of the Self – we are more than it may seem.
Some Recent Photos – 30 photos from March to August.
Probable Selves and Alternate Realities – are there other versions of yourself out there?
Four Hours of Sleep – Conclusion – the final update for the four hours of sleep experiment.

July 2014
6 of Earth’s Most Amazing Creatures – with interesting facts, pics, and vids.
Four Hours of Sleep – Update #3 – third weekly update for the four hours of sleep experiment.
Giving Advice – no one wants our advice.
Four Hours of Sleep – Update #2 – second weekly update for the four hours of sleep experiment.
Talk to Your Body for Easy Healing – talk to your body and heal yourself of almost any ailment.
Four Hours of Sleep – Update #1 – first weekly update for the four hours of sleep experiment.

June 2014
Four Hours of Sleep – 30-day experiment with sleeping only four hours per night.
Interesting Near-Death Experiences – a few interesting stories and two NDE resources.
The Nature of Personal Reality – a review of the most empowering book I’ve ever read.
20,000+ Little Lives – each day is just like a little life.
We Don’t Know Anything – it is true.
You and I: Food for Thought – a short musing about you and me.
Regrets and the Past – we can transform regrets into blessings by achieving happiness.
Are Sunglasses Harmful? – my opinion is that sunglasses are harmful, generally speaking.

May 2014
Life Is a Struggle – we’re all struggling, just trying not to die.
Some Thoughts on Life – self-explanatory title.
A Powerful Meditation Tip – a quick, easy tip to improve your meditations.
Don’t Worry Be Happy – about the famous song and its lyrics.
Eye Contact – the difference between looking at someone and looking into someone.
Originality – nothing is original.
30 Days of No Alcohol Grand Finale – the final post in the 30 days of only water experiment.
Increase Your Brain Power Easily – a simple trick to free up some brain CPU.
This Moment – in this moment, right now, we have the power to change our lives completely.
Alcohol Facts You Probably Didn’t Know. This Is Instead of Writing the 3rd Update to “30 Days of No Alcohol” Be… – 3rd update to 30 Days of No Alcohol (with interesting facts about alcohol)

April 2014
The Power of Belief: Food Labels Affect Our Bodies – our beliefs affect how our bodies react physiologically to food.
30 Days of No Alcohol: 2nd Update – two week update to 30 days of only water.
Fun with Changing Perspectives – an entertaining, enlightening practice.
30 Days of No Alcohol: 1st Update, Very Exciting (Not Serious) – one week update to 30 days of only water.
Cherry Blossom Photos (Japan) – cherry blossom photos & extras from my recent trip to Japan.
30 Days of No Alcohol – for my 30th birthday my gift to myself is 30 days of drinking nothing but water.

March 2014
Stress and Its Effects – about the physiological effects of stress.
A Spectrum of Matter? Food for Thought – maybe there’s a spectrum of matter just like the electromagnetic spectrum.
The Power of Belief: Dissociative Identity Disorder – Dissociative Identity Disorder shows the true power of belief.
When Relationships End – “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”
OBE: Flying through the Trees – a description of a recent out of body experience.
Why be spiritual? – why should we be embrace spirituality and ask the big questions?

February 2014
Anguilla Photos – beautiful photos and personal impressions of Anguilla, BWI.
Mariners Cliffside Beach Resort, Sandy Ground, Anguilla, BWI – photos of a beautiful, abandoned resort in Anguilla.
What is “dingtwist”? – the story behind the name of the site.
How to Control Your Emotions – self-explanatory title.

January 2014
Have You Died Before? – maybe you’ve actually died but your world branched off to where you are now.
Seth Speaks – a review and quotes from the most fascinating book I’ve ever read.
The Placebo Effect: Curing Ourselves with Thoughts and Beliefs: the placebo effect shows us that our minds have power over our bodies.
A Few Recent Photos – recent photos.
The War of Art: A Review – a review of the amazing book, The War of Art, by Steven Pressfield.
3 Awesome Meditations – the future self, healing, and ideal life meditations explained.
The Cure for Laziness – self-explanatory title.
How I Want My Wake to Go – my dying wishes.
Clutter – clear the clutter in your environment and your mind will follow suit.
2014 – first post of 2014.

December 2013
Why Do We Sleep? – my theory on why we need to sleep.
Life Is a Game – when we realize life is just a game, it becomes easier to win.
Winter’s First Snow – photos from this winter’s first snowfall.
The Good Earth: A Review – a review of one of my favorite classics, The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck.
The Limitations of Science – science is not the end of the discussion.

November 2013
Time – the nature of time itself.
Sungazing – all about the ancient practice of sungazing and my experience with it.
A November Morning – pictures of a beautiful November morning.
Amazing Earth – pointing out some of the reasons our planet and life in general are absolutely amazing.
3 Quick Steps to Reduce stress – self-explanatory title.

October 2013
100th Post – the 100th post on and a sneak peak of what’s to come.
Fresh Air – a quick dalliance with Mother Nature is a great way to eliminate stress.
Autumn Colors – God’s first post on this site, explaining why he created autumn for us.
What’s Your Life Story? – an easy way not to be judgmental of others and why it’s beneficial.
Mount Greylock Hike – many photos of peak foliage on a long hike in northwestern MA.
Accessing Universal Intelligence – how I plan to become a superhuman.
Do You Smoke? – unvealing my newest website,

September 2013
Devil’s Hopyard State Park, East Haddam, CT – beautiful photos and descriptions of a short Sunday hike.
The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe – Walter Russell, an impressive human.
Lotus Flower – a post about the parallels between human life and the lotus flower.
Sinking through the Depths – a tragic 3-part story of two lovers after they get into a bad car accident.
You Are a Cell – like our cells are tiny parts of us, we are tiny parts of god.
Sitting on a Park Bench – the things that happen around me as I sit on a park bench.
The Illusion of Solidity – matter is not as it appears.
How to Meditate – pretty self-explanatory title.

August 2013
You Are Ten Years Old – none of the cells in your body were alive ten years ago.
I Quit My Job – I quit my job 8-26-13 to go into internet business.
Cascade and Porter Mountains, Lake Placid, NY – Adirondacks – pictures from the Adirondacks.
We Are Creators – as humans, we were born to create.
You Are What You Read – what you read becomes part of your mind, so make sure it’s good stuff.
Franconia Ridge Loop – pictures from a recent hike in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.
Expectations II – follow-up post to the post below regarding expectations, and if mine were met.
Expectations – our expectations rarely match reality.
The Ideal Life – what’s your dream life? I describe mine here.
Inverted Spectrum – some people may see the world in opposite colors.
What Makes You Happy? – why you should focus on what makes you happy, not what’s expected of you.
7 Reasons You Should Write – pretty self-explanatory title.

July 2013
Dynamo Jack – Qi Master – video of a Qi master who can do things science can’t explain.
To Be Alive – short post to make you appreciate life more.
Amazing Near-Death Experience: Mellen-Thomas Benedict – an amazing story of a man’s extended near-death experience during which he accessed universal intelligence.
The Egg Tosser – story of an old man who literally throws farts for fun.
Does Everything Happen for a Reason? – does it?
In the Blink of an Eye – in the blink of an eye, your whole life can change.
Grow Down – why you should embrace the joy of childhood, in adulthood.
Infinity – what does infinity really mean?

June 2013
Memory Triggers: How to Remember To-Do’s – easy trick to improve your memory.
Dogs Save Owners from Grizzly Attack – amazing story of two heroic dogs who saved their owner from a bear attack.
Food for Thought: We Are Fish in a Pond – humans are just like fish in a pond, but on a larger scale.
Lord of the Pigeons – chubby kid feeds the birds and is their king for a day.
We’re All Connected – we are all much more connected than it may seem.
Poems for Buddy and Rigs – two contrasting poems for my two dogs.
October Morning – story of a girl who lost the man she loved.
The Need to Know – why you should release the need to know.
Rain Cloud Mind – short poem with a surprise ending.
Amazing Trees – pictures and descriptions of Earth’s most amazing trees.
The Moments We Live For – life is full of beautiful moments.
Reflections – a short poem on life and aging.
It Is What It Is: The Outcome-Independent Mindset – how being outcome independent will make your life so much better.

May 2013
Purple Stars – a lucid dream and astral projection.
Sounds – pay attention to the sounds.
People and the World – 7 billion people are all doing different things.
My Grandfather in the Nuthouse – a story about my grandfather.
Reality Is Subjective – I explain why reality is not objective.
Think Like Police to Avoid Getting Fleeced: 12 Ways to Avoid Speeding Tickets – pretty self-explanatory.

April 2013
Your Life Is an Unbelievable Coincidence – you’re lucky to be here.
My Pyramid House – a description of my dream house.
Chauncey Peak at Crescent Lake – lots of pictures and a description of a hike I did.
Bertha’s Physical – an obese woman goes in for a physical.
Amadahy and the Raindrop – a short story about the long life of a raindrop.
The Beauty of Our World – beauty can be found everywhere.
My First Earned Meal – the story of the first meal I ever earned.
Tekmology – musings about technology.
What’s the Point, He Thought – a short story about a man who wonders what the point of life is.
The Symphony of Life – a man meditates in the forest.

March 2013
Gratitude – the important role gratitude plays in your personal happiness.
Conscious Astral Projection – a description of an astral projection experience.

February 2013
Some Perspective – I give you some perspective on others.

January 2013
How I Saved $300,000.00 – self-explanatory.
A Few Pictures – some photos and descriptions.
Living in the Present – the importance of being in the present moment.
The Stain – Phil got a poop stain on his shirt.
Why You Shouldn’t Follow the News – self-explanatory title.
City Wanderer – a short story about a homeless man who wanders the streets.
Sad Girl – a sad girl cries.

December 2012
Memories – how to dig up and relive past memories.
What Happens When You Die? – well, what happens?
Winter Weather – ugh.
Reincarnation and the Spirit – ponderings on reincarnation.
Jessie Gerard Trail, Barkhamsted, CT – pictures and description of a hike I did.
Don’t Be So Hard on Yourself: Reset Your Goals – if you’re slacking with your goals, just reset them.

November 2012
Hiking with Dogs – the beauty of hiking with dogs and what we can learn from them.
The Life of a Snowflake – poetic description of a snowflake’s life.
Aliens – do aliens come to Earth?
The Mysterious Box – the story of the mysterious box I found when I was a kid.
Slow Down and Lose Weight – one easy trick you can use to help lose weight and enjoy life more.
First Post – my very first post, ever.


What do you think?