Although I haven’t written much here lately, I have continued to experiment on myself with all kinds of beliefs, practices, and as is the focus of this article, supplements. Very few of my experiments are worth continuing after the trial period, but this piece you’re reading is concerned with one of the very most effective supplements I’ve ever tried. The rare find that definitely, conclusively causes beneficial changes, and fast. And it’s as cheap as dirt, which is, ironically, where God intended it to be!
Borax is a mineral salt mined directly from the earth, a white crystal powder, also known as sodium borate, sodium tetraborate, or disodium tetraborate. Borax is made of sodium, oxygen, and boron.
Keep in mind that borax is only even a “supplement” because our soil, which used to be rich in boron, is now depleted of it, along with basically all of the other beneficial minerals (also worthy of mention: magnesium). Further, our fruits and veggies are covered in chemical pesticides (even so-called organic fruits & veggies, sadly), which prevents them from taking up whatever boron is still left in the soil. Double whammy. But we need boron, and badly.
Note: I’ll discuss in more detail later, but having taken boron capsules and borax powder, the only noticeable benefits have come from the borax powder. I didn’t notice anything at all with the boron capsules.
If every person took 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon of borax with water every morning, that alone would hurt the refined sugar food industry, the medical industry, the pharmaceutical industry (but I repeat myself), the grocery store electric buggy industry, and many more industries that piggyback off of (or in the case of refined sugar, cause) obesity and disease.
Keep an open mind because they will have you believe that borax is just a detergent, a cleaning supply. Which it is. It’s great for laundry, pest control, cleaning, all kinds of things. But it’s not just that. It’s a natural mineral mined from the earth that, when ingested, also cleans out your body in the best way possible. Even if you feel pretty good and are pretty healthy, taking borax will provide a clearly noticeable, beneficial effect. If you are overweight and addicted to sugar, or have arthritis or just general joint pain, then you will notice enormous benefits within the first week to three weeks of supplementing.
Before you object to the idea of “eating detergent”, know that borax is less toxic than table salt. If you were to go spoon for spoon, table salt versus borax, you’d die from table salt first. As you can guess, however, it would take a whole lot of table salt to kill you. And even more borax. It’s really just not a concern if you have enough brainpower to comprehend this sentence.
If you go from here to google, which has become almost completely worthless with respect to researching natural health alternatives, you will see pages and pages of fear porn, with seemingly credentialed personages saying DO NOT EAT THIS DETERGENT IT IS TOXIC! Frankly, this is all bullshit. In this Age of Deception we’re just clawing our way out of, it seems that everything good is villainized, and everything bad is glorified. Crazy stuff.
Say it out loud: borax is less toxic than table salt. That’s all you need to know. Say it one more time. Now, onward.
All of that said, I’m not officially recommending anything. I’m not a medical professional, and you should consult with your (preferably naturopathic/holistic) health professional before taking anything. There might be issues if you have high blood pressure or something else, so use your brain.
Short, incomplete list of borax benefits:
Reduces or eliminates sugar cravings (as well as all the downstream horrors of high sugar consumption)
Reduces or eliminates arthritis
Prevents the calcification of the kidneys and endocrine glands
Prevents or improves osteoporosis
Prevents or improves tooth decay
Increases testosterone in men
Increases estrogen in menopausal women
(basically, it helps regulate hormones in whatever way is needed)
Improves heart issues
Improves vision issues
Helps with psoriasis, balance, memory, cognition
And more good things
A supplement that would purport to provide such massive benefits would typically have a highly optimized sales page with tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars spent split testing, all kinds of professional graphics and animations, and it would be marketed for the “low” price of $99.99 per month if you sign up for a subscription, otherwise it would be much more expensive.
But borax is just this awesome mineral salt you can get at pretty much any grocery store, for like $5 a box, and that box will last you years if you’re only ingesting the recommended 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon per day. It’s so cheap it’s basically free. And therein lies the problem for the powers that be: they despise very cheap, very effective cures for any health issues. Much better for them if you go see your allopathic doctor who will prescribe you a number of proprietary, costly pills to add onto your current regimen of proprietary, costly pills, of course with no thought given to any potential downstream negative effects, which are present 100% of the time where pharmaceuticals are concerned, and which are often worse than the original afflictions.
So you’ll just have to get past your brainwashing enough to get yourself to “eat detergent”.
Look, I’ve been brainwashed just just like you. Unless you’ve lived the Amish life or something comparable, in which case you wouldn’t even be reading this, then you’ve been brainwashed to a level that’s impossible to describe. Of course there are many different levels of brainwashing. I like to think I’ve undone a lot of it, and a lot of what I’ll write in the future is in that vein. I ask that you also, whenever possible, notice and help me undo more of my own brainwashing. It’s impossible to see unless the light is shined upon it.
To aid in the endeavor of overcoming just a tiny bit of your brainwashing re: borax, consider that the following food items also make great household cleaners: vinegar, lemon, salt, club soda, baking soda, and the list goes on. The difference between the idea of consuming borax and the idea of consuming the others is that the others have always been considered consumables with the additional benefit of being great cleaners. Borax is the same, but it has been put in our minds that it’s only for cleaning, and most modern cleaning sprays and chemicals are in fact highly toxic and dangerous, not just if ingested, but even when absorbed through the skin or the respiratory system. Borax it is a natural mineral salt mined from the earth and has none of those toxic qualities unless ingested in enormous quantities. It definitely should not be inhaled though – that could cause some issues.
I’ll discuss below why borax is only available in the detergent aisle, and why we only think of it as a cleaning supply. It was kind of a legal loophole to keep it on the market, and the story itself is quite interesting, and sad, but not surprising if you have even the most cursory knowledge of what pharmaceutical companies, and the governments they control, have been up to in the last century or so, starting with their full frontal assault on homeopathic medicine. That’s a whole other, much larger topic than the current one, however, which is simply: take this cheap powder and reap massive benefits. Live longer, be healthier and happier, fitter, smarter, more vital and just all around better.
As Mark Twain once said, “I didn’t have time to write a short internet blog post, so I wrote a long one instead.”
Let’s get into it.
My real, personal experience supplementing with borax
I’ve been taking borax for the better part of a year now, and there have been two striking benefits I’ve personally experienced:
- All achiness in my joints, specifically my knees, has completely disappeared. It was never that bad, but it was there, and I noticed it and used to worry about the long-term health of my knees in particular. No more. Completely and absolutely gone, absolutely zero concerns whatsoever that I’ll ever need any kind of knee surgery ever. And I’ve barely put a dent in my $5 box.
- I have been on a health-conscious path for many years, which means I don’t eat much refined sugar. But still, when it happens, it always happens at night right after dinner that I’ll get those sugar cravings and sometimes indulge in some chocolate, maybe too much where I’m watching myself satisfy this craving that’s coming from somewhere, and I don’t like it, but still I want to keep eating it because in that moment it tastes so good. The dopamine is firing so hard, so perfectly, that I’m stuck in a loop that goes too far and I feel bad afterwards, physically and mentally. But about a week or two into taking just 1/4 teaspoon of borax in the morning 5-6 times per week, I would see the chocolate at night when the cravings usually hit, and it was very strange. I’m wasn’t turned off by the idea of chocolate/sugar, and would sometimes have a piece or two, but that compulsion to consume it and to continue consuming it was simply not there. It was like all of a sudden I was just disinterested in sweets. You’ll have to experience it yourself to understand what I mean.
Another note on #2 – it is my understanding that many or most sugar cravings are caused by candida overgrowth in the gut. Candida is a fungus/yeast that feeds on sugar. So if you eat a lot of sugar, I would bet it all that you have candida overgrowth. Your gut is connected to your brain, and these candida are quite literally controlling your mind saying, “GIVE US SUGAR!” And that is the root of the sugar cravings. Borax is a potent anti-fungal, and within a week, maybe a few weeks if you’re hosting a large candida civilization, their colony will be reduced to a manageable size and you will clearly notice that you simply don’t crave sugar anymore.
This is not just my experience, but also my mother’s experience. She lost a bunch of weight effortlessly after supplementing with borax just because she became disinterested in sugary snacks. It’s effortless. And many other thousands of people in the know have experienced the exact same thing, including other loved ones of mine.
This is an appropriate place to link you to my favorite home remedy site, EarthClinic. You can search by ailment or remedy, and each one has a bunch of personal anecdotes in the reviews section, from actual, real human beings. Generally speaking, you can take your “studies”, crumple them up into small manageable balls, lube them up with some coconut oil, reach behind you, and drop them in the trash can. I want to hear real people’s experiences from their real lives. So-called “studies” can and will find whatever they want to find, and the vast majority of the time, they cost a lot of money, and guess who has a lot of spare money to fund these expensive “studies”? They do.
After reading all the info, if you’re not already convinced, scroll down to the bottom of EarthClinic where the user reviews are and spend some time skimming them. Link, again, HERE.
A brief modern history of the discovery of borax as a supplement
You can read the full modern history HERE, but borax’s prior history goes back to Tibet hundreds of years ago. Not super relevant for this article, so I’ll skip that.
Rex Newnham, a credentialed Australian soil and plant scientist, discovered that using borax as a dietary supplement completely cured the arthritis he had developed. He was cured in a matter of three weeks.
Because people were hesitant to consume something with a poison label on the box, he started making pills with safe amounts of borax, and simply by word of mouth from people who were curing their arthritis, he got up to selling around 10,000 bottles per month, which was not what he wanted to do since he was a scientist, not a supplement dealer.
He asked a drug company to take over the operation, but since borax is so cheap and available and it would replace their much more expensive (and less effective) chemical drugs, not only were they not interested, but they also petitioned the Australian government to ban the sale of borax, which they promptly did. Absolutely classic!
Again, it’s worth reading the full information HERE that also includes all of the different ailments with which borax supplementation can assist.
One last note: if you’re reading this you may be aware that the fluoride they put in our water is a neurotoxin that calcifies the pineal gland, aka the third eye, aka the seat of the soul as some ancient traditions called it. It is my theory that the controllers of this realm, previously referred to in italics as they or the powers that be, are well aware that our third eye is our strongest physical connection to our spiritual power, and that the primary reason for the prevalence of fluoride in our environment is specifically to disable our pineal glands, and therefore restrict our spiritual powers, and therefore make us much more malleable and amenable to their evil plans. Have you ever spoken to someone and brought up a topic that goes against the agreed upon mainstream narrative, and you’re just met with a blank stare? That poor soul has the flouride stare, and has been completely disconnected from his spiritual power. His human self has been severed from his eternal, spiritual self, his Soul, his higher self. Borax helps pull fluoride out of the body. So even if you are one of the few modern humans with perfect physical health, which is to say low or no internal toxicity, it’s worth supplementing with borax for the spiritual benefits…

Important note: for borax to be fully effective, you’ll also need to take an ample amount of magnesium. Not absolutely required, just highly recommended. I personally try to avoid buying supplements from big chain stores and name brands since these supplement companies are largely owned by the very pharmaceutical companies of which we are trying to rid our lives. And if a pharmaceutical company owns and operates a supplement brand, is it in their best interests to provide high quality supplements that will put a dent in their proprietary petroleum based pill sales? Rhetorical.
I get most of my supplements from a trusted source, Clive deCarle. Amandha Vollmer is another good one. Again, I’d generally recommend against major name brand supplements, even if the labels look nice with pretty little green leaves and whimsical fonts.
As for the borax itself, there is one company that sells it, 20 Mule Team, and you will find it in boxes in the detergent aisle of almost any grocery store. It is my opinion that they market it as detergent as a legal loophole because they are not allowed to market it as a nutritional supplement. That and the fact that it does make a great detergent, cleaner, dishwashing powder, etc. Whether you need clean clothes or a clean gut and intestines, or a decalcified pineal gland, borax is your answer.

Dosing: you can start with 1/8 tsp (if you’re small and/or somewhat fit) or 1/4 tsp (if you’re on the large side) in a liter of water (non-fluoridated of course) and just drink that throughout the day.
Personally, I don’t fuss too much about the dose and just put a 1/4 teaspoon plus a little in a couple ounces of water, swirl it around so it’s suspended in the water, then chug it while trying not to taste it, then chase it with another bit of water. It tastes a bit soapy, and does not dissolve very easily.
Other people just put a pinch in their water bottles daily or almost daily, or sprinkle a little on some of their meals. Do whatever feels right at first, then go from there.
When I started I did 5 days per week, Monday through Friday. They say you should take a break, although I doubt that’s very important. Remember, it’s less toxic than table salt.
If you are very toxic then you may experience some detox symptoms, which is to say you may get worse before you get better. That’s a good sign. Stick with it, or lower the dose and build back up to the recommended amount if you prefer. In the case that you feel you are very toxic and are concerned with potential detox symptoms, you can start at a lower dosage, just a pinch or a few grains, and build up from there.
Last note: you can also take boron capsules, which I did for years before I learned you could take borax directly. Although I’m sure boron capsules are helpful, in my personal experience and opinion, the actual borax powder is much more powerful and effective. I quickly noticed big results from the borax powder, while I cannot say I actually noticed anything from the boron capsules.
I think that’s about it. Let me know in the comments if you have any questions or if I left anything out. Especially let me know if you’ve had positive experiences with it.
Since I have tried over fifteen trillion supplements, and recommend almost none of them, it should carry some weight when I say:
This stuff really is a miracle and everyone should be taking it.
(But talk with your health professional first if that’s important to you.)