Category: Misc

  • Should vs Could

    Many years ago I read a wonderful book called You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay. I highly recommend it for every human. I thought of it recently but couldn’t find my original copy so I got another one, and just started rereading it. Last night as I was reading, an idea stuck with…

  • The Truth about The Beatles

    If it wasn’t enough for you that we don’t live on a globe, evolution is a hoax, dinosaurs never existed, and other ideas we have always assumed were true are actually verifiably false, I have another one for you. The Beatles, and basically every other world-famous band, were and are a complete hoax. Mind control…

  • My Guide House

    I’ve created a beautiful house and a beautiful land in my imagination over the past six months. I go there every day, throughout the day, and in my dreams. The original purpose of the creation was to have a place I could go to commune with my Team: spirit guides, ancestors, ascended masters, guardian angels,…

  • The River of the Mind

    The rains have been heavy, the river flooded and raging. Rolling waves with white peaks crash into rocks and spray in all directions. Boiling whirlpools suck debris down into the dark, frigid depths. Wild, chaotic power. Something to behold, to respect. Watching from shore is a stimulating experience. But even the idea of being immersed…

  • How to Increase Your Love Quickly

    When a loved one dies, a common sentiment is: “I miss him so much, I wish I could just see him one more time, have one more conversation, one more hug.” Well the trick is, before you see your loved one next, imagine that meeting is your wish fulfilled. That he has died, but you’re…

  • You Do Know You’re Dreaming Right Now, Don’t You?

    Row, row, row your boatGently down the streamMerrily merrily merrily merrilyLife is but a dream As you read these words in this very moment, you are in a dream. Within this dream you have dreams at night of course, but what you’re experiencing right now in this moment is itself a dream that you’re having…

  • Sidereal Astrology

    Within the last year or two I became aware of the fact that what we all think of as astrology is just the mainstream version, called tropical astrology. It’s based on how the constellations appeared 2000 years ago, which is not how they appear now. Sidereal astrology is the non-mainstream version that is based on…

  • How Modern Pleasure Traps Abuse the Human Brain and Ruin Our Lives

    Having a general understanding of how the pleasure centers in our brains work can free us in profound ways in this insane era of human history. Neurochemistry becomes more complex the deeper you go, but there’s no need to go into the weeds to benefit from the knowledge. There are simple ways – not easy,…

  • Everything You Need to Know about Politics

    This is timely with the upcoming election selection. I used to follow politics and other news closely. I prided myself on my knowledge of and in-depth opinions on so-called “current events” and the various political battles in the US and abroad. I was emotionally invested in this information. I expended a lot of my energy…

  • Age of Deception

    If you have felt for a while that things on Earth are just kind of off, or maybe even that everything is backwards and humanity is screwed, then this is for you. Everyone alive in 2024 has lived his entire life in the Age of Deception. Almost everything we were taught about life and the…