Category: Misc

  • Short, Short Story

    Ordinarily I would have felt mild disdain for the woman with a valley where her waistband pinched into her enormous stomach because how could anyone neglect her body to that degree, but instead my eyes filled with tears as I watched her whimper her way out of the vet’s office holding a carrier which contained only a worn blankie. I wanted to give her…

  • Early 2015 Photos

    I haven’t been taking many photos lately mainly because this winter has been colder than a witch’s teat…after having been soaked in liquid nitrogen for a millennium times a trillion. Anyway, here ya go:   Bird Feeding The next batch is all from my bird feeders. When we got our last snowstorm, the cardinals came…

  • Two Years

    I was lying in bed last night reading after a long day of work, and it occurred to me that it has been around two years since I started this site. So I opened my computer to check the date of the first post of this site and the date is 11-7-12. Today is the two-year anniversary of…

  • You and I: Food for Thought

    It’s 11:11 am on 6-10-14 as I start writing this. I’m at my desk, it’s rainy and cool out, I keep going to the window to check on my customers, my birds who congregate and party all day long at my feeder, and my two old dogs are sound asleep on the floor in my…

  • Don’t Worry Be Happy

    I was 7 or 8 years old when I first heard Bobby McFerrin’s song “Don’t Worry Be Happy”. I lived in Miami, FL at the time and was in the back seat of the car on a family trip down to Marco Island for the weekend. I had the song playing on my Walkman, and was…

  • Cheap Humor to Make Your Day a Bit Better

    This is the best cheap humor that has accumulated in my phone over the last year or so. If you receive the Sunday Newsletter, you’ve seen a few of them, but most of them are new. Hopefully they make your Monday, or whatever day you’re reading this, a little better.    

  • A Spectrum of Matter? Food for Thought

    What if there’s a spectrum of matter just like the electromagnetic spectrum? The visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum is but a tiny slice of the entire thing, which I discussed here. Maybe the visible portion of a possible spectrum of matter is just a tiny sliver of the full spectrum. Just like we cannot…

  • What Is “dingtwist”?

    Some of you have been wondering where I got the name for the site. “dingtwist” is a strange word you haven’t heard before. When I was a kid, maybe 11 or 12 years old, I was hanging out with some neighborhood friends and we got in a small argument. My friend Richard became frustrated and…

  • The Best Way to Read a Book

    A problem I used to have after reading books, especially useful non-fiction, was that I’d pretty much forget all of the information soon after finishing it. That is, until I devised (drumroll) the best way to read a book. 1. Dog ear particularly insightful, useful, or beautiful (fiction) passages by bringing the line of the dog…

  • How I Want My Wake to Go

    How I Want My Wake to Go

    I’ve been to a few wakes over the last couple of years, and I always cringe inside because I know I would never want such a thing for myself. We all know wakes are not for the dead, but for the living. They’re a way we can gain closure in our minds and pay our…