Category: Spirituality

  • You Are Ten Years Old

    You Are Ten Years Old

    It is said that your body, with which you identify so closely, is at any time no more than ten years old. That means your skin, your eyes, your bones, your internal organs, and your penis and/or vagina are all made up of different cells than they were ten years ago. They regenerate continuously. The…

  • We Are Creators

    We Are Creators

    We humans were born to create. That is our purpose, our prime directive. When we are not creating, we are not acting in accordance with our prime directive, and it becomes difficult or impossible to live a fulfilling life. To be happy. Traditionally and evolutionarily speaking, men created shelter, sustenance, business and wealth, while women…

  • Dynamo Jack – Qi Master

    Dynamo Jack – Qi Master

    Within each one of us is powerful life energy or life force that the Chinese refer to as Qi (pronounced CHEE). There are ways to harness that energy and project it outward for powerful effects. Many Qi masters use their skills to heal others. Dynamo Jack is one of them. Science is currently unable to…

  • To Be Alive

    To Be Alive

    People are dying right now. I mean right now, right this second, as I type and as you subsequently read this, people are dying and wishing to be alive for just a little while longer. They’re wishing they could watch their loved ones grow up, wishing they had a little more time to do just…

  • Amazing Near-Death Experience: Mellen-Thomas Benedict

    Amazing Near-Death Experience: Mellen-Thomas Benedict

    I was made aware of the link below a few days ago while browsing an astral projection forum ( and found it incredibly fascinating. Reading accounts like these makes it much easier to believe that we are, in fact, eternal consciousnesses temporarily inhabiting our physical bodies. I’ll give you the cliff notes of the page,…

  • Does Everything Happen for a Reason?

    Does Everything Happen for a Reason?

    It used to annoy me when something bad would happen and someone would say, “Well, everything happens for a reason!” I would say that’s bullshit, everything is random, there is no reason for anything. And I would think the person who said it was not very intelligent. If everything happens for a reason, why do…

  • In the Blink of an Eye…

    In the Blink of an Eye…

    In the blink of an eye, everything can change. You’re having the time of your life when all of a sudden you get that life-changing phone call. Someone close to you has died, and things will never be the same. You’re driving along listening to your favorite music, feeling the warmth of the sun on…

  • Grow Down

    Grow Down

    How many times were you told to grow up when you were a kid? Unfortunately, after a while, we listened to our parents and teachers and other adults. We grew up, and life was never the same. When you watch a normal young child you’ll notice he’s always smiling, always playing. Pure bliss is his default…

  • Infinity


    We all know what “infinity” means but I don’t think we’re capable of conceiving of it. Every now and again as I sit under the moonless midsummer night sky out in the woods and I can see millions of stars blanketing the surface of our pond, our sky, I feel unbelievably small and insignificant and…

  • Lord of the Pigeons

    Lord of the Pigeons

    I walk out of my office building at 11:17 to get a wrap at my favorite deli. It’s sunny and hot out. Lots of people on the sidewalk. I walk past a young girl waiting for the bus wearing a tight little sundress. She’s looking at me. I smile and keep walking. At her age,…