As per my last post, this is the hike we did on 8-17-13, the Franconia Ridge Loop in the White Mountains, New Hampshire. Because so many other websites have information on the hike, I won’t go into detail other than to post a few of the pictures I took.
For information on the hike, click this link. We took Falling Waters Trail (with a quick stop at Shining Rock) to Little Haystack Mountain to Mount Lincoln to Mount Lafayette to Greenleaf Trail to Old Bridle Path. Click on the pictures to see the full-sized files.

I always marvel at how these mountains were formed, tectonic plates shifting underground thousands, millions of years ago, pushing together to form these monstrous piles of rocks. And then trees and bushes grow, water flows, all kinds of wildlife make it their home, and we occasionally scale them to get a little better vantage point to see our planet. When you consider all of these things, it’s truly mind-blowing.
If you ever have the chance, I highly recommend checking out the White Mountains in New Hampshire. It’s an absolutely beautiful place on our favorite planet, Earth.