If it wasn’t enough for you that we don’t live on a globe, evolution is a hoax, dinosaurs never existed, and other ideas we have always assumed were true are actually verifiably false, I have another one for you.
The Beatles, and basically every other world-famous band, were and are a complete hoax. Mind control operations intended to get us to behave in a certain way, a way that is certainly not in our best interests. The intention was to create a riff in western society, a very classic, tried and true divide and conquer technique.
It’s actually kind of hilarious when you really see it and just accept it all as the giant ugly mess it really is. What a world!
I don’t remember agreeing to incarnate into this dumpster fire. Do you?
That said, I’m glad I’m here, and I’m glad to be well past the anger stage of awakening. Most of it is just funny and ridiculous to me now. When you become aware that everything in the news is fake and contrived, it actually becomes kind of amusing occasionally to click through news websites. Recent examples are the “Trump assassination attempt”. The presidency itself. The healthcare CEO “murder”. What else? Oh yeah, all of it. All faker than the average person can even imagine.
Miles Mathis does about as good a job as anyone I’ve found with regard to “conspiracy theories”, which is to say, simply, the truth. It seems he writes something new picking apart every new current event, which is helpful. I just learned of him while searching for some links for this post, so I’ll probably be reading what he says every once in a while going forward. I can’t vouch for everything he has written, but the few things I did read seemed spot-on.
How I ever took any of these things seriously is like when you have a dream where nonsensical things are happening and upon awakening you’re confused as to how you never questioned their validity. “How did I think it was normal that the 10 foot tall pink cat was throwing laughing cartoon sardines at me? How did I not realize it was a dream? How could I have been afraid of that situation?”
How could I have believed that American Democracy was a real thing? How could I have believed that my body is the result of millions of years of evolution, starting at a single-celled organism?
It’s all in the same vein. But once you see enough of it, your human mind is free to do what it does best, and the same goes for your eternal consciousness. You are free, finally.
Anyway, yeah, the band you probably love or possibly hate, The Beatles, was simply a mind control operation done by the Tavistock Institute, formerly the Frankfurt School. This think tank has its long, spindly fingers in every aspect of society that you can imagine. They are mind controllers, and very good at it. But their reign is coming to an end as more and more people wake up to the deception. That’s why we’re here, dear reader, to experience and aid in the shift. Can’t you feel it?
The thought of going through all of the ideas and evidence proving The Beatles were a hoax in writing is just beyond tiresome to me, so I’ll lazily link you to everything you need to know if the rabbit hole interests you. As usual with these kinds of things, I don’t know nor do I care about all the minutia. I read enough to know the basics, and that’s enough for me to just discard swaths of beliefs I once held. On a spiritual level, it’s energetic cleansing.
Here’s a full free pdf of Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, which discusses The Beatles and much, much more. Or you can buy it on Amazon.
Some more links:
How the Tavistock Institute Invented The Beatles
Proof that John Lennon Faked His Death
The Beatles — Illuminati Mind Controllers
I will continue to repeat this in every one of these kinds of articles: you cannot use google or any other mainstream search engine for this kind of research. As of this writing, yandex.com is the only decent one I’m aware of, that returns actual results versus censored/curated results. Actually, a very reliable way to determine what is true or false is to compare the search results on google with those on yandex. If google is censoring the results, you can bet your last dollar it’s because they are helping to hide the truth.
Consider for a moment the true POWER of controlling and manipulating the main resource people use to seek truth. Truly amazing!
Think of all the times we’ve sung along to a Beatles (or whatever band) song. They have us literally casting spells on ourselves. Black magic spells.
From Across the Universe:
🎶 Nothing’s gonna change my world, nothing’s gonna change my world 🎶
Yes, you idiot scum masses, sing these words and disempower yourselves. That’s how they think, and what has actually happened. I’ve sung along to The Beatles alone, with friends, and during drunken karaoke in Japan thousands of times.
The goal is to comprehend on a deep enough level the kind of bullshit we’ve been dealing with, and use that knowledge as the impetus to withdraw all of your attention from all of their mind games.
That’s how you exit the matrix. By withdrawing your attention.
You’ll find it’s quite nice here on the outside looking in. A lot of it is actually really funny.
Some of it is still too dark to laugh at though.

They thought abortion was pretty funny I guess.

John, Yoko, and Andy Warhol doing…stuff.

Occult hand signs.