People are dying right now. I mean right now, right this second, as I type and as you subsequently read this, people are dying and wishing to be alive for just a little while longer. They’re wishing they could watch their loved ones grow up, wishing they had a little more time to do just one thing that makes them happy. Unless you’re on your deathbed, you probably have quite a bit of time left. What are you going to do with it? On your deathbed, what will you wish you had done? I’m not talking about the past. I’m talking about between this moment and the moment your body dies. What will you wish you had done?
Go do one thing right after reading this that makes you happy, whether it’s calling or texting a loved one, buying a new book, eating a small piece of chocolate (slowly), rubbing your genitals through your pants (or directly if no one’s around), or just spending a minute reminiscing about a wonderful experience in your life.
Every day is chock-full of potential for incredible experiences, and you have many days left. You’re so, so lucky to be alive right now. Don’t ever forget it.